• » Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

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Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... <">But for some who wants to add some customization on the headers, this code may help you... <">Before using the code above, you must edit first all properties of the font... I hope this helps everyone out there! :D *edited Just notice this: [b]!important[/b], it's so important for this codes to work properly, it's important for the headers section...

Last edited by nahtanoj18 (2007-03-17 10:27:43)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

^ uh. where we will put the code ? or if we will put it on extension file? :eh:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

[quote=nahtanoj18]Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... <">But for some who wants to add some customization on the headers, this code may help you... <">Before using the code above, you must edit first all properties of the font... I hope this helps everyone out there! :D[/quote] This is just what I need. But as James asked: [quote]^ uh. where we will put the code ? or if we will put it on extension file?[/quote] Thanks a lot for this. =)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

thanks alot! i got mine workin already! =) how can i make the font bigger and make it all caps? :)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

James, save as a CSS extension file first, then paste it in Schools (Other) section. I tried it already. I can't make the font smaller though. :| [quote]thanks alot! i got mine workin already! how can i make the font bigger and make it all caps?[/quote] Adjust the font size here: [b]font-size: '12 to 18'px; [/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

[quote=mayapot]James, save as a CSS extension file first, then paste it in Schools (Other) section. I tried it already. I can't make the font smaller though. :| [quote]thanks alot! i got mine workin already! how can i make the font bigger and make it all caps?[/quote] Adjust the font size here: [b]font-size: '12 to 18'px; [/b][/quote] thanks girl! :thumbsup: how about the uppercase?
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

[quote=garots][quote=mayapot]James, save as a CSS extension file first, then paste it in Schools (Other) section. I tried it already. I can't make the font smaller though. :| [quote]thanks alot! i got mine workin already! how can i make the font bigger and make it all caps?[/quote] Adjust the font size here: [b]font-size: '12 to 18'px; [/b][/quote] thanks girl! :thumbsup: how about the uppercase?[/quote] <">The uppercase fonts are [b]only for the HEADERS[/b]. He wasn't able to give the code to adjust the font size for the content of each boxes (which is what I need). So we have to wait.

Last edited by mayapot (2007-03-08 23:13:09)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

@Maya and garots, you want a code to customize the font of all texts, and contents in your friendster profile, you may do that by using this CSS codes.... <">Just change again the font properties and compile it, as you already know, with the CSS extension file... :D

Last edited by nahtanoj18 (2007-03-09 07:40:41)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

[quote=nahtanoj18]@Maya and garots, you want a code to customize the font of all texts, and contents in your friendster profile, you may do that by using this CSS codes.... <">Just change again the font properties and compile it, as you already know, with the CSS extension file... :D[/quote] Yeah, thanks. I was waiting for you!
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

It's good that I can help everyone in this forum... :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

Of course! =) You're good. :thumbsup:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

The first post about the codes was edited so that it may work properly... :) =) :D

Last edited by nahtanoj18 (2007-03-17 10:30:38)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

hey nahtanoj18, thanks so much for the codes. unfortunately codes not working in firefox (only the headers in center position), but working great in IE though. i don't know how to solve it so i thought maybe you'll be able to help me, so the codes will work properly in firefox ? thanks in advance... :)
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

[quote=tourterelle]hey nahtanoj18, thanks so much for the codes. unfortunately codes not working in firefox (only the headers in center position), but working great in IE though. i don't know how to solve it so i thought maybe you'll be able to help me, so the codes will work properly in firefox ? thanks in advance... :)[/quote] I'm quite confused why it doesn't working properly in Firefox. It can't load too much color. I suggest that better use the IE for Friendster =) Both have disadvantages & advantages :paranoid:

Last edited by feruzz (2007-03-17 14:36:30)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

originally posted by [b]feruzz[/b] [quote]I'm quite confused why it doesn't working properly in Firefox. It can't load too much color. I suggest that better use the IE for Friendster =) Both have disadvantages & advantages :paranoid:[/quote] yea, i know. i use both IE and firefox.. so there's no way to make the codes work in firefox? tx for the reply, anyway.. :)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

As said by feruzz, there's really that thing that makes the difference between the two browsers... :| =|
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

Mr. Moderator/anyone that could help me:) can you give me the code in centering the about me section thank you you guys are the best :thumbsup: =)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

Before using this code remember it may add a scrollbar under your profile.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

[align=center] [color=red] [b] thanks for making this codes... a really big help for us.. :D [/align] [/color] [/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

how can i centre my profile but not the friends list coz i've tried using some codes here and its not working. im using a friends list caption so the codes are messing up my profile.. can i have the codes pls.. :P :penguin:
  • » Here's the CSS codes to make all texts, contents, and also even the headers in center aligned position... [code]/* CENTER PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body,td,tr,div,p { text-align: center; } /* MA

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