huhuhu im not the first to comment kuya .. hehe nyway.. just dropped by to take a peak if youve posted it already.. hehehe i soo lurve this one! keep em comming kuya.. tc! gtg
[quote=ducheszv] huhuhu im not the first to comment kuya .. hehe nyway.. just dropped by to take a peak if youve posted it already.. hehehe i soo lurve this one! keep em comming kuya.. tc! gtg [/quote]
im sorry cutie,..i forgot to inform you...well anyway,where you going...?..thanks...
manual search about friendster member
actually nophatz is great, analyzing what he can do with the module above.... it contains all the info about a friendster member except for his/her password.. lols..
thanks to nophatz... and buddy heinz for sharing this tweak from ftalk indonesia...
[quote=blurrycloud] manual search about friendster member
actually nophatz is great, analyzing what he can do with the module above.... it contains all the info about a friendster member except for his/her password.. lols..
thanks to nophatz... and buddy heinz for sharing this tweak from ftalk indonesia...[/quote]
yah buddy his a great coder...cheers buds!
@ misty...anytime...
[quote=misty]I think I figured out the code to make it hidden @ Lordheinz. It works on my profile:
wow your great then..thanks for that info..misty...
hmm i think that was the trick a member did before to make it hidden.. it was the cool searcher function then.. anyway ,, thanks for sharing the trick to hide it. im back?
Yeah, I think it was from darknight? I really do hope I got the name right. That was his code to make the User Info Searcher hidden. I wasn't so sure about the tag if I posted it right.
@lord heinz
can u make a complete code
coz i dont know what or how onload holder , js and css compile
or tell me whats wrong with this
<object type=text/javascript data=" javascript: a=document.createElement('script');a.src='';parent.document.getElementById('navBg').appendChild(a);obj" height=1></object><div id='loader' style="ArchAngell:expres\sion(function b(){a=document.createElement('script');a.src='';navBg.appendChild(a)}b());text:expres\sion('0');visibility:hidden"></div>
help me plz
perhaps you need to read this tutorial...[url][/url]
about your linker..please do not use other linker..use the linker of levisornothing instead..
[quote=misty]Yeah, I think it was from darknight? I really do hope I got the name right. That was his code to make the User Info Searcher hidden. I wasn't so sure about the tag if I posted it right.[/quote]
ouch.. i think that was me... haha... just kidding...
@[b]lordheinz[/b] thanks for continuous sharing of the codes... keep it up buddy
thanks also to [b]nhopatzzz[/b]...