thanks (again??) sir lordheinzz... i added the shoutout in this trick in my profile basing it from your other contribution [b]Visitor's Logbox[/b]... thanks a lot bro...
[quote=lordheinz][quote=kaitetebolls]much better if we can see the viewers passwords XD[/quote]
i dont think that is a good idea buddy... [/quote]
ur my idol sir^^
[quote=lordheinz][quote=bles_212000]jas wondering if it can scan info if profile is set in private! [/quote]
yah it is can scan even some private profile...[/quote]
wow! i see! i'm using this now.. thanks foe sharing! it so astig..
[quote=ducheszv]hehehe thought so.. thats why i didnt use the trick yet.. hmmm is there any way i can have it as var rep script?[/quote]
what do you by that cutie?
[quote=ducheszv]hehehe thought so.. thats why i didnt use the trick yet.. hmmm is there any way i can have it as var rep script?[/quote]
Just try this for addbox caller :
[quote]addBox("Cek FS",varcekfs,"divcekfs",/commonbox[\s]*?moreabout/i);[/quote]