[quote=vanhelmont]just wondering if there is still nice person here especially the one that can help newbies here like me

I don't know... it seems that there are lots of nice people here, unfortunately, it's kind'da hard to mingle with them.. Take my case, I am not sure if they knew me well already... Sad to say, but most of the members here only love to post, play games, and check the forum violators. Most of them are happy and satisfied with that... But there are quite a few who really are willing to help.... Thanks to them.
BTW, if you need some assistance, you can PM me directly, i would be glad to help. I have helped some members already, but after that, no replies at all... that's ok with me. I love to help people directly, I don't care about repu or anything, just thanks will do.
God bless and welcome aboard, vanhelmont!
Kuya Jie