[quote][b]Version:[/b] 2.1
[b]Update:[/b] December 2008
[b]Author:[/b] [i]eehjhay[/i][/quote]
[li]Mere MediaBox is a Friendster profile trick that will hide everything except the Media Box.[/li]
[li]Get the latest CSS Linker [url=http://theftalk.com/f5-Friendster-Underground.html]HERE[/url][/li]
[li]Copy and paste this URL in the CSS Linker Generator:[/li]
<">[li]Generate the URL[/li]
[li]Copy the generated codes and paste it wherever the CSS Linker Generator says you should place the generated codes[/li]
[li]Save and test your profile[/li]
[li]If you want to merge it with an existing CSS layout, insert this in your CSS extension file [b]@import url(ht[/b][b]tp://notes.eehjhay.net/tricks/meremediabox.css);[/b][/li]
[li]Some of your layout's CSS code may conflict with the MMb's codes.[/li]
[li]Follow the instructions above for generating and applying the linker with the URL into your profile.[/li]
Go to my blog for more info
or to [url=http://eehjhay.net/index.php/friendster-related/50-tricks/76-mere-mediabox]MMb article[/url]
Last edited by eehjhay (2009-01-09 16:43:54)