• » As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

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As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

[quote=FeenQueGurL_08][b]oh yah!! I agree becoz it's plagiarism that's bad..don't steal layouts which are copyrighted by others..tsk..tsk..people nowadays..doo such dirty work, just to be known..but in a dirty way.. :puke: [/b][/quote] [b]yeah im with you coz many of friendster users now is stealing layouts....tsk tsk tsk[/b]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

If you do not want to steal your progress, simply don't share if feel skeptical in those bias people! It's their conscience if they rectify your work and prove that they the one you make it!
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

[b]GRRRRrrrrr..!!! before i was complaining that my layouts were changed without permission , now someone stole even my details in my own friendster account.. [i would like to thank miss '-sassy chic-' for informing me about this] she wrote me in my friendster account:[/b] [quote]From: -'sAssY cHiq'- Date: Sunday, 5 August, 2007 6:02 PM Subject: Hi POUh.. Message: Ate KAtriNA dBA taGAfrieNDstertaLk PoUh keUh? KAzi mAY KApaRehaS PoUh kaYo Ng mGA SaLiTA dUn sa AbOut ME n wHo I waNt to meeT ..MAgKApaRehaS Pouh TAlaga..NAkiTA kOuh kaZi PRofiLE NEa..Open DIs Url http://www.friendster.com/r0ckm4hw0rld TiGnan nYo Fuh..REpLy Pouh kAyO..[/quote] [b]TRANSLATION:[/b] [quote]From: -'sAssY cHiq'- Date: Sunday, 5 August, 2007 6:02 PM Subject: Hi Message: katrina, you're from friendstertalk, right? because i noticed that your details in your "about me" and "who i want to meet" was the same with someone's account. i was shock because it's really the same.. here's her account http://www.friendster.com/r0ckm4hw0rld just check this friendster-account.. please reply..[/quote]

Last edited by _+katrina+_ (2007-08-05 07:00:36)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

Me too,I know exactly what you feel,Someone also here in FTALK ripped the code of my layout and used it for her own layout and she made a layout too using my codes and she just edited the font colour and the style ,I guess she forgot to edit the floating border effect color.It is also very obvious for me to suspect her,she's a friend of mine..
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

[quote=_+katrina+_][b]GRRRRrrrrr..!!! before i was complaining that my layouts were changed without permission , now someone stole even my details in my own friendster account.. [i would like to thank miss '-sassy chic-' for informing me about this] she wrote me in my friendster account:[/b] [quote]From: -'sAssY cHiq'- Date: Sunday, 5 August, 2007 6:02 PM Subject: Hi POUh.. Message: Ate KAtriNA dBA taGAfrieNDstertaLk PoUh keUh? KAzi mAY KApaRehaS PoUh kaYo Ng mGA SaLiTA dUn sa AbOut ME n wHo I waNt to meeT ..MAgKApaRehaS Pouh TAlaga..NAkiTA kOuh kaZi PRofiLE NEa..Open DIs Url http://www.friendster.com/r0ckm4hw0rld TiGnan nYo Fuh..REpLy Pouh kAyO..[/quote] [b]TRANSLATION:[/b] [quote]From: -'sAssY cHiq'- Date: Sunday, 5 August, 2007 6:02 PM Subject: Hi Message: katrina, you're from friendstertalk, right? because i noticed that your details in your "about me" and "who i want to meet" was the same with someone's account. i was shock because it's really the same.. here's her account http://www.friendster.com/r0ckm4hw0rld just check this friendster-account.. please reply..[/quote] [/quote] [b]im already send u a message about that... im not claiming its mine... didnt expect that it will be in public then... but i know its my fault... my bad :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: and i hope after this everything will be alright :) so SORRY...[/b]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

i also experienced that hehe and i know that feeling.. but as of now.. im hapi if other user ask my permission but if they not... its fine with me na.. u cant do anything if they really wanna edit and owe it as they creations.. when i decide to make layouts i already knew what bad and good things might happen.. good for receiving comments and compliments for your talent & effort, bad for ripping, copying and editing your own code and your own style....haiz
attagirl shiela
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

i am now using layout by tazmaine, and i email her to edit the layouts, just to show respect and make her permission, and it was great because shes nice and replying that its ok with her. thanx maine i rilly appreciate ur works and ur so nice and friendly.and also thank u for replying my msg. take care ^-^ :)
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

In my world, they don't still my progress! Maybe because I'm good friend to share data with evidence. Unlike here, a lot of chaos happening :wasted:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

:retard: [b]I hope friendster will still aprove MODS[/b] :retard:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

too bad..cant do aniting bout it...show some respect guys ;]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

MCR addict
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

....yeah.. but..we can't do anything..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

this really a bad thing to those who work hard for their proffy. how about sharing ways of securing those codes? :eh:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

ahhm. stealing is bad... but i do use some script made by others.. and putting dem name for credits...
yumi fans
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

eewwww.... i hate that! :evil: :smoke:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

fEeL sO soRrY yoU buY cAn'T do aNytHing fOr tHat.. :( i dO aDmiT tHat sOmeTimEs wHen i cHanGe mY laYouT, i gEt cOde fRom cOntriButErs aNd aNd fOrgEts to cRediTt tHem....soRry fOr thAt.. [img]http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o43/Da_ViNcIs/sasuke.gif[/img]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

[b]^please avoid posting in sticky caps... @topic : :arrow: sis katrina, I want to inform u before u call me stealer, I want to ask some permission to use ur 'if u bleed' banner for mine...But, I've add some credit of ur name there...okei?? hope u dont mind bout that, if u're mad at me, please tell me, okei, i'll remove it from my account =( :arrow: Anyway, i lurve all ur work sis!! please PM me if u want me to remove it okei?? :arrow: owh, one more thing sis, Please dont hate me... =| [/b]

Last edited by fando91 (2007-10-11 08:36:29)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

Hmmm, sorry to hear about that. That sucks. :| I guess I'm lucky...My page is not cool haha. Just simple, because I'm still ignorant to all the codes, so I doubt that I will have that problem yet.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

[b][color=#ff9999]back off, Rippers!! :evil: [/b][/color]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

my friend asked me to pimp her page.. i was so tired so i cum hir at ftalk.. well.. im reli sorry bcoz i edited the background image... i love the style but the problem is... it will look like d creator is d owner of d page.. coz she put in der in big letter in d center of d image..: [b]layout by ------------[/b] i erased her name.. dats bad.. i know.. and im sorry.. ahmn.. actually, its not ripping or stealing for me coz it was posted in d CSS LAYOUTS.. its normal to give credits... but then to layout contributors f ull put "layout by" dont make it TOO BIG that it may look that u own d page.. :disgust:

Last edited by cUtiEshika (2007-10-20 01:50:10)

  • » As one of the [b]contributors[/b] of [b]Friendster CSS Layouts[/b] here in [b]FTALK[/b], i discovered that some members here [u]copied some of my layouts[/u] and [u]edited it[/u] for themselves. My co

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