• » Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

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Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

how about this one she's using my codes before w/ my permission .. but everytime friendster updates and filter the codes she always bother me to fix her profyl i always rescue her evrytime her friendster mess up.... but lately...everybody knows here in friendstertalk that it tokes a lot of time for the mods to find out for the new linker ...but then she start posting bulletin against me that im a super duper primadona b*tch that im not willing to help her..that im not a real friend blahblah.... and hmmm there's more she can do to destroy my reputation she start sending messages to my friendster friends that contains badwords against me i knew it coz he sends msg including my cuzz. .....i wan't revenge:(sorry heres her profyl... [b] [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/51509966[/url][/b]

Last edited by hael (2008-04-06 10:52:47)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

[quote=hael]how about this one she's using my codes before w/ my permission .. but everytime friendster updates and filter the codes she always bother me to fix her profyl i always rescue her evrytime her friendster mess up.... but lately...everybody knows here in friendstertalk that it tokes a lot of time for the mods to find out for the new linker ...but then she start posting bulletin against me that im a super duper primadona b*tch that im not willing to help her..that im not a real friend blahblah.... and hmmm there's more she can do to destroy my reputation she start sending messages to my friendster friends that contains badwords against me i knew it coz he sends msg including my cuzz. .....i wan't revenge:(sorry heres her profyl... [b] [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/51509966[/url][/b][/quote] wow sis :o she is super annoying.... [i]sya na nga gumagamit ng codes... sya pa marunong magalit...[/i] and she has [i]lakas ng loob[/i] to post a bulletin that is all about to you..... she needs a little patience and wait to fix the codes.... she needs also to understand that the it takes a lot of time to find a new linker... aw.... that's so very irritating!!!
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

[quote=hael]how about this one she's using my codes before w/ my permission .. but everytime friendster updates and filter the codes she always bother me to fix her profyl i always rescue her evrytime her friendster mess up.... but lately...everybody knows here in friendstertalk that it tokes a lot of time for the mods to find out for the new linker ...but then she start posting bulletin against me that im a super duper primadona b*tch that im not willing to help her..that im not a real friend blahblah.... and hmmm there's more she can do to destroy my reputation she start sending messages to my friendster friends that contains badwords against me i knew it coz he sends msg including my cuzz. .....i wan't revenge:(sorry heres her profyl... [b] [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/51509966[/url][/b][/quote] [color=#089bce] wow ... pretty disgusting lil bitchy ripper! :mad: Tell her that you're not always there to do her every bidding. THE NERVE of that girl! i dislike people who are like that *grrrr :mad: i reported her for using harassing language (In the bulletin board right?) [/color]

Last edited by forsakendoll (2008-04-17 00:22:59)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

rippers.. how i hate them.. hahaha.. but i guess i didnt try to be ripped yet... hahahaha..:D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

[b]awts s0 sad... so many rippers, and spammers.. too bad i'm too kind to post her here in this topic. lol.. :ninja:[/b]
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

I am also a Ripper, sometimes. I check on someone's profile(most probably here in the Show-Off section) then View their Sources. Who cares? Lol. It's just ok for me simply because people also Rip my Profile. :thumbsup:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

^ You don't even care perhaps you're just wasting you time in ripping other profiles. Edit: Wrong quote.

Last edited by ReversEdge (2008-04-25 06:11:08)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

^ So what? For me, when I View the Sources of others, I don't really consider it as Ripping, instead, I learn more on types of codes[ what this codes are for, their certain functions, and so on]. I don't do it for the sake of getting something from 'em. Isn't that nice that we learn from others through our own little effort?
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

[color=#089bce] i prefer to call it learning the easy and ripper kind of way it's sort of cheating if this is your reason: [/color] [quote]Who cares? Lol. It's just ok for me simply because people also Rip my Profile. thumbsup[/quote] [color=#089bce]then i guess im a bit disappointed Who cares? well the person who you rip the codes from cares lol The whole css codes is displayed in the tricks and tutorials section There are also labels so you would know which codes do the particular effect if you can't figure it out i guess you have no common sense go ahead and just rip someone else's profile they'll be happy with that </sarcasm> I guess it's okay if you do that for the sake of learning something and gaining knowledge but sometimes you have to figure something on your own and not by simply ripping because you'll never truly learn if you do that you are just depending on others ;)[/color] [quote]I learn more on types of codes[ what this codes are for, their certain functions, and so on].[/quote] [color=#089bce]if you take time experimenting with the codes instead of wasting your time ripping you'll most certainly learn :thumbsup: :thumbsup: [/color]

Last edited by forsakendoll (2008-04-25 11:43:22)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

people here might already be aware of this but i'll still share it anyway..there are sites that actually offer the so-called layout snatcher..by just entering the friendster uid of anyone, they get to "hack" a copy of your css codes or whatever customization you have in your profile..your masterpiece replicated in less than a minute..what can be worse than this..can anyone do something about this? to stop the bad guyz (or galz)..:o
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

[align=center][color=deepskyblue]i have a ripper but if i'll post it here she will see it and saying "[b]No im Not!![/b]"[/color][/align]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

[color=#FF0099][align=center]I Was Once A Ripper Of TriciaPink29's Works.. But Now I'm Not Ripping Anymore... Sorry Tricia!! Hope You Forgive Me..[/align][/color]

Last edited by nahzbate (2008-05-05 06:06:26)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

[b]To tell the Truth [u]I once I ripper of triciapink29's work[/u]:doubt: Cause I'm a newbie here and Sorry [u]Tricia[/u]=) Sorry So Much!!! But now I am not a [u]Ripper[/u]:thumbsup: Cause I [u]Promised my Self[/b][/u] But I found out who is Ripping my favorite layout author in friendster-layouts.com Here username was"anabs_12" I found out who is ripping in her codes She is... Well I kinda forgot but here is the link the layout she rip Not just ripping but owning... http://friendster-layouts.com/my-world-loves-pink-crossover-layout/ Believe in me
FJ almighty
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

i hate rippers ,its good that there is a tweak for rippers dont rip my profile:evil:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

Wow Scary!!! I'll be watching my actions now I don't want to be reported as a spammer. Guys thnx for wake up call. whewww!! =)

Last edited by Roy_Casanova (2008-05-03 06:04:21)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

oh rippers...i've been a victim too...to the rippers will you stop!!!
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

Here's my ripper and claimer of my 4 new layouts... caught in the act.,:mad: [b]alice_p@rno.punk [/b][u][/u]:disgust: visit his layout compilation and look for these four: http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?pid=946191#p946191 :arrow: emo gurl :arrow: emo :arrow: ghotic :arrow: pinkers and here's my layout compilation :arrow: http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?pid=803390#p803390/ look for :arrow: Escape from Me --+ eMo +-- :arrow: +++ eMo +++ :arrow: ◘◘◘◘► PinK HavEn ♥♥ :arrow: ♥♥♥► Airies It's obvious that he rip my codes. +++ emo+++ layout, he just remove the background. in remaining 3 layouts, he just copy then boom! claim as his work too..:mad: I have another proof. The Direct link of my four layouts are similar to his direct link also. Another, If you look at Airies layout, the background, there is you can see layout by kristina08 inverse. I think he should learn a lessons. :disgust: I know he's a newbie but I don't like his act.:disgust: I put a lot of efforts to make that layouts then he just do it like that!:disgust:

Last edited by kristina08 (2008-05-05 02:29:09)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

I've ripped before, last year, and the lays never worked. Lol. Then I learned that it was called ripping and it was a shameful act that only jerks do so I stopped ever since. I'm glad I did. :) For now I've noticed some rippers back in the CSS Lay section. I have a suspicion that one author took one of the codes I'm using but I'm not sure. So far though I can name four. One of them is alice p@rno punk. He ripped about three authors, one of which is kristina08 ^.

Last edited by joebz (2008-05-06 10:00:19)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

[b] Here's a spammer: [/b] He is impersonating my group, my sister, my friends and me. I hate him very much he always comments me harassing words w/o reasons. I don't even know him. And he is destroying my life and my role in FS. My profile url: http://www.friendster.com/prinx3rjosh [b] Spammer's url: [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/9726369 Hope he will never impersonate and destroy me.
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

Well well well I have my first ripper =D =D =D I will expose you and your profile [s]you crap.[/s] She ripped my first layout, tsubasa chronicles and even put "Layout by Moe Masatami" at the title bar" and not only my layout but samme's (she doesn't post here) white clarity layout as well bwahahaha oh she's so in trouble. Her profile:[url]http://profiles.friendster.com/56877112[/url]
  • » Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers. And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s. That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC. Be Specif

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