[quote=Cryogenix]hmmm i feel like making a statement too...
my side is also neutral.
for the designer, i only can suggest you make it simple, and not too grabby on attention. and if you really intend to use it personally, don't advertise it that much on forums such as these. learn to make simple layouts yet complexly designed. i do agree on SakabatouSHINTA that it is the responsibility of the designer to secure the layout. but i also agree with the other parties that ripping is some serious business when it comes to corporate/business matters. but hey, lets not forget the facts here. by simply posting designs here on the net, you are already declaring to the world that what you have posted is public property. this is the reality of the internet! you must remember that.
personally, i take ripping as a compliment. it's like someone idolizes me (be it secretly or public). rip me if you wish. thank you for doing so. somethin like that

*for your homework, i'd like someone to rip my layout please. i'd like to compare how both were made. it's one way of improving my design strategy

thank you for the additional notification to all victims on these minor crimes.