Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers.
And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s.
That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC.
Be Specif
ohhh ms. lin that was absolutely pain in ass if i will report them one by one.
[quote=""]If you are making a suggestion to remove remarks or this thread, it's best to talk it out w/ the TS or a mod. I think if it was unnecessary, the TS would've terminated this section long ago, since he's a mod. Further inquisitions can lead into further arguments and misinterpretations. As charlene had stated. Thank you, for being an active member and seemingly caring for the forum.[/quote]
im [b]not[/b] making a suggestion to remove remarks or this thread. this is not my responsible taking such responsibilities. if this issue still exist, probably this is the destiny or and faith of this topic. as you can see both parties are wrong.