hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve...
but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens?
wat the heak?
wat would his new gurls thk?
some a
we din bera[quote=jugitz]it depends how did u break up...
if ur break up wasn't that much clear and it really hurts u a lot..
i think there is no chance for the two of u to be bestfriend..
but ur break up was sitted and talked properly..
i think there is a possibility u will be bestfriend..
but in ur case it seems like u still like ur ex or there is something..ryt?[/quote]
yup! we break up wasnt tat much clear & he really hurt me a lot
its almost 10 month we are break up...
i seem so hard wan to forget him...
yup im admit im still admit him..
lately we have contact..
& it reli make me confuse