• » hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

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hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some advice? should accepts all jz ignore? :retard:
mystic rain
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

its possible dat ur ex will be ur best friend! ahihi if u accept d truth from d past it cud happen.,. but there is a possibility also dat ur feelings to each other will went back ..,.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

[quote=mystic rain]its possible dat ur ex will be ur best friend! ahihi if u accept d truth from d past it cud happen.,. but there is a possibility also dat ur feelings to each other will went back[/quote] but im still hate... but in the seem time miss him to.. im scared if im accepts him as a frens i cant change tat feeling to bestfrens...
» FTalkAddict
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Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

if you wanna move on, it's better not to have constant communication with him. it'll be hard for both of you, esp. u.. asking an ex to friends is like asking for forgiveness and to take away their guilt on what might happen to you. if you'll still be close to him, there's a possibility that your feeling will be revived. it takes time to forgive and forget. weigh all the possibilities. feel, but use your brain this time. if you follow too much of your heart, it'll hurt more. --just my own opinion from personal experience.:D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

it depends how did u break up... if ur break up wasn't that much clear and it really hurts u a lot.. i think there is no chance for the two of u to be bestfriend.. but ur break up was sitted and talked properly.. i think there is a possibility u will be bestfriend.. but in ur case it seems like u still like ur ex or there is something..ryt?
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

we din bera[quote=jugitz]it depends how did u break up... if ur break up wasn't that much clear and it really hurts u a lot.. i think there is no chance for the two of u to be bestfriend.. but ur break up was sitted and talked properly.. i think there is a possibility u will be bestfriend.. but in ur case it seems like u still like ur ex or there is something..ryt?[/quote] yup! we break up wasnt tat much clear & he really hurt me a lot its almost 10 month we are break up... i seem so hard wan to forget him... yup im admit im still admit him.. lately we have contact.. & it reli make me confuse
» FTalker
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Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

whahaha i been through with thise situation exactly two weeks from now.. weee.. mine cant accept him to be mah bestfriend.. coz still love him.. and knowing that she already like someone.. it realy2 hurt me so much.. so i want him to be away from me.. till i move on.. and i planned dat dwe can b frnds again after i totally erased him on mah heart.. [spoiler] in mah story dats not d end he knws wat i feel with dat.. i let him know that.. den after he knew dat.. dont knw f he realyz something.. he stop courting his new ghurl.. and came back with me.. nyahaha.. bcoz of dat i come to think that he just want to try new one.. wahehe but dont want to be away from me or totally loose mei.. whahehe[/spoiler]

Last edited by LadyCyclone (2008-06-14 11:29:30)

» n00b
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Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

it depends nmn [i]po[/i]... if u already move on and both of u are talking [i]lagi...[/i] both of u can be bestfriends... if [i]d nmn... d pde[/i] haha!! [spoiler] bat parang andami kong alam ehh? bata lang nmn ako 12 years old plang nmn haha [b]sorry for speaking tagalog [/b]:D [/spoiler] im new here.. hope all of you will be my friends thanks..!! :D take care all.. goodbless
» n00b
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Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

wa... i reli wish tat i can be like u LadyCyclone... but.. nw im reli2 confusing.. i duno wat should i do... im kinda tired & almost give up... my mind stick all bout him... shit!!! if i ignore... it make me suffer..
» FTalker
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Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

i was like dat too after our break up.. hmp.. so hard.. but u have to be strong.. btw.. wat makes u confused?? u said that u still have contacs ayt?? [spoiler] so how thus he treat u now?? do he realy have a new ghurl?? [/spoiler]

Last edited by LadyCyclone (2008-06-15 03:15:37)

mystic rain
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

[quote=lairhel]if you wanna move on, it's better not to have constant communication with him. it'll be hard for both of you, esp. u.. asking an ex to friends is like asking for forgiveness and to take away their guilt on what might happen to you. if you'll still be close to him, there's a possibility that your feeling will be revived. it takes time to forgive and forget. weigh all the possibilities. feel, but use your brain this time. if you follow too much of your heart, it'll hurt more.[/quote] yah agree... ahihihi.,. i think even though its ur ex bf already i think u still have love or concern to him ryt/?! :D
» FTalkAddict
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Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

i think its kinda hard . .
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

[quote=LadyCyclone]i was like dat too after our break up.. hmp.. so hard.. but u have to be strong.. btw.. wat makes u confused?? u said that u still have contacs ayt?? so how thus he treat u now?? do he realy have a new ghurl??[/quote] yup tis few day we have contact.. if b4 we nvr contact each othr... at 1st he treat me so nice.. he treat me like a princes.... im hepi like tat.. foe ur info.. we're from diffrent religion... b4 i have explain to him tat kinda hard tat we re 2thr cz we re from diffrent religion.. then he give me a strenght tat wasnt impossible thg... cz alot ppl married & can live happily even they are from difffrent religion... but... wen time he say wan broke up he use tis reason to hurt me... i felt tat time i wana go kill him!!! yup.. he jz have new gurl... jz 1 month relationship \izzit he accept take tat bgurl jz bcoz wan to forget me? or just wana hurt me more to make me hate him!!! yes i do! i hate him!! but i miz him to.....
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

[quote=toshiyaDEG]lairhel wrote: if you wanna move on, it's better not to have constant communication with him. it'll be hard for both of you, esp. u.. asking an ex to friends is like asking for forgiveness and to take away their guilt on what might happen to you. if you'll still be close to him, there's a possibility that your feeling will be revived. it takes time to forgive and forget. weigh all the possibilities. feel, but use your brain this time. if you follow too much of your heart, it'll hurt more. yah agree... ahihihi.,. i think even though its ur ex bf already i think u still have love or concern to him ryt/?![/quote] yeah!! can say like tat.. coz its nt easy wan to hate sum1 tat we have love b4 with all our heart & soul.... even my mind set tat im say im hate him alot..but my heart say i need him & miz him so much!!! arghhhhh!!!!
» FTalker
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Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

[quote=ivynne]yup.. he jz have new gurl... jz 1 month relationship \izzit he accept take tat bgurl jz bcoz wan to forget me? or just wana hurt me more to make me hate him!!! yes i do! i hate him!! but i miz him to.....[/quote] [spoiler] hmmm this one reely wat mah bf did to me hm.. coz at first i was d one to end our relationship jsut 4 a wyl.. but he doesnt agree.. after a week i felt dat he has another ghurl.. so i said we must realy have to brk.. den he said its okei.. he had a new ghurl that he likes.. hmp.. but just a day after wen we broke up.. i said dat i dont lyk to b frndz.. coz lyk wat i said its hard 4 me.. den he adm8 dat he was just using dat ghurl as replacement of mine f we broke up.. hmm and dat his not taking dat ghurl seriously..[/spoiler] i dont know if mah bf and ur x have d same intentions.. itll b more hard 4 u f u still expect or w8 4 him.. especialy dat his not urs 4 morethan a month.. am i ayt?? just try to start moving ltle by litle everyday.. coz u may not be xur f he still luv u or not.. ders so many ways to muv on but dont use other ppol as a replacement huh.. put ur attention to other things hmm.. and try 2 stop ur contacts 4 a while.. til u move on.. [spoiler] u shuld be strong ghurl.. f u were destinied 4 each other magkalau man kau naun.. tadhana nah ang magla2p8 s inyu s tamng pnahon..[/spoiler] sorry 4 speaking o tagalog cant transl8 it nyahaha

Last edited by LadyCyclone (2008-06-15 11:01:02)

» n00b
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Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

[quote=LadyCyclone]i dont know if mah bf and ur x have d same intentions.. itll b more hard 4 u f u still expect or w8 4 him.. especialy dat his not urs 4 morethan a month.. am i ayt?? just try to start moving ltle by litle everyday.. coz u may not be xur f he still luv u or not.. ders so many ways to muv on but dont use other ppol as a replacement huh.. put ur attention to other things hmm.. and try 2 stop ur contacts 4 a while.. til u move on..[/quote] ermm... tat wat i was do day by day... i knw it reli2 take a long time.... cz im nt easy falling in love person... btw.. thx foe the adviser.. i reli appriciate it... i jz wish him all the best & hepi owes... even he hurt me deeply!!! =|
» n00b
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Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

it depends , what happened from your ex and you from da past =)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

[b]Nothing's wrong if You and Your Ex-Bf would be BestFriends. You Should just have to forget those things done in the past. Or if you don't want to forget and you're not ready to forget them yet, just ignore. It would be less painful :)[/b]
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

its can be. but i think it so hard in first..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

but im affraid her new gurlzz will be jeles & will act beyond control..... kinda confuse nw...!! i wish& hoping.. but im dying!!
  • » hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve... but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens? wat the heak? wat would his new gurls thk? some a

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