[quote=LadyCyclone]i dont know if mah bf and ur x have d same intentions..
itll b more hard 4 u f u still expect or w8 4 him..
especialy dat his not urs 4 morethan a month..
am i ayt??
just try to start moving ltle by litle everyday..
coz u may not be xur f he still luv u or not..
ders so many ways to muv on
but dont use other ppol as a replacement huh..
put ur attention to other things
and try 2 stop ur contacts 4 a while..
til u move on..[/quote]
ermm... tat wat i was do day by day...
i knw it reli2 take a long time....
cz im nt easy falling in love person...
btw.. thx foe the adviser..
i reli appriciate it...
i jz wish him all the best & hepi owes...
even he hurt me deeply!!!