i been through with thise
situation exactly two weeks from now..
mine cant accept him to be
mah bestfriend.. coz still love him..
and knowing that she already like someone..
it realy2 hurt me so much..
so i want him to be away from me..
till i move on..
and i planned dat dwe can b frnds again
after i totally erased him on mah heart..
in mah story
dats not d end
he knws wat i feel with dat..
i let him know that..
den after he knew dat..
dont knw f he realyz something..
he stop courting his new ghurl..
and came back with me..
bcoz of dat
i come to think
that he just want to
try new one..
but dont want to
be away from me
or totally loose mei..
Last edited by LadyCyclone (2008-06-14 11:29:30)