hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve...
but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens?
wat the heak?
wat would his new gurls thk?
some a
[quote=toshiyaDEG]lairhel wrote:
if you wanna move on, it's better not to have constant communication with him.
it'll be hard for both of you, esp. u..
asking an ex to friends is like asking for forgiveness
and to take away their guilt
on what might happen to you.
if you'll still be close to him,
there's a possibility that your feeling will be revived.
it takes time to forgive and forget.
weigh all the possibilities.
feel, but use your brain this time.
if you follow too much of your heart,
it'll hurt more.
yah agree...
ahihihi.,. i think even though its ur ex bf already
i think u still have love or concern to him
yeah!! can say like tat..
coz its nt easy wan to hate sum1 tat we have love b4 with all our heart & soul....
even my mind set tat im say im hate him alot..but my heart say i need him & miz him so much!!!