hw could ex bf can be ur bestfrens after all wat he have done to u? hurt u more then u derserve...
but nw seems find u bck just wan to be good frens?
wat the heak?
wat would his new gurls thk?
some a
[quote=LadyCyclone]i was like dat too
after our break up..
hmp.. so hard..
but u have to be strong..
wat makes u confused??
u said
that u still
have contacs ayt??
so how thus he treat u now??
do he realy have a new ghurl??[/quote]
yup tis few day we have contact..
if b4 we nvr contact each othr...
at 1st he treat me so nice..
he treat me like a princes....
im hepi like tat..
foe ur info..
we're from diffrent religion...
b4 i have explain to him tat kinda hard tat we re 2thr cz we re from diffrent religion..
then he give me a strenght tat wasnt impossible thg... cz alot ppl married & can live happily even they are from difffrent religion...
but... wen time he say wan broke up he use tis reason to hurt me...
i felt tat time i wana go kill him!!!
yup.. he jz have new gurl...
jz 1 month relationship
\izzit he accept take tat bgurl jz bcoz wan to forget me?
or just wana hurt me more to make me hate him!!!
yes i do! i hate him!!
but i miz him to.....