[quote=eBay Ghost]all frat.sor have purposes.. and i think its for the better of the community...
thats y dey have by.laws to follow with..
its the fault of the member..
not the frat.sor
It may be the fault of the member but it is also the fault of the person who let that member in. Correct me if i'm wrong but organizations have certain "requirements" before a member can join, right, so, it's either bad attitude is also required to join the group or they are just tolerating how their members behave.[/quote]
yup, dats ryt..
thats what i said.. its the fault of the members...
not the org. they are into with

they have requirements, but some dont follow that...
in every org. have a rotten egg...
hard headed..

its reality

nyc opinion

im amused by that