Re: [align=center][b] :arrow: are u a member of a fraternity/sorority?
:arrow: What can you say about Fraternity/Sorority?
:arrow: What can you say about the member of a Fraternity/Sorority?
:arrow: in yo
[b]Are u a member of a fraternity/sorority?[/b]
[b]What can you say about Fraternity/Sorority?[/b]
From my point of view, fraternities/sororities are generally a group of people who're united and share similar interests and stuff. It's a group wherein everyone gives each other mutual support in almost everything. They do good stuff (i think). It's a bit different than normal cliques because there are initiations, etc. Nowadays, though, people consider fraternities as somewhat like a gang, with members who tend to cut classes, smoke, drink, etc. People join in frats to get into the "cool crowd" which I think is LAME.
[b]What can you say about the member of a Fraternity/Sorority?[/b]
I hope you know what you're doing.
[b]In your own opinion.. is fraternity/sorority, bad or good?[/b]
I think it's not up to us to decide if a frat/sorority is good or otherwise. It depends on the group's "purpose" or goal or whatever. If the group's focused on influencing teenagers to do stupid things like smoking, drinking, or cutting their wrists open, well, I think the person should step backward.