I've heard that theres xOo many poser and rippers in FS huh??
One time, I've been searching if ..
if huh? haha ..
I had noticed that I have xOo many Posers and Rippers.
Actually, one of those rippers is a ftalk member like us..
She's [i]Kawayii Aprille[/i] if I'm not mistaken.
here's [b]My Profile[/b]..
[b]Her Profile[/b] ..
[ her profile here in eptok.
http://theftalk.com/p=kawayii+aprille ]
Check my About me and Who I want to meet.
She just edited teh Yahoo! Messengers.
and her name in teh introduction!
And maybe, just maybe..
I think she's also a poser.
am I right ???
Last edited by aprilcutie09 (2008-10-27 05:46:39)