i dont know what to say with this guy ->
actually he ripped the profile of adiharisman which came from marfillaster.. what do you call that generation to generation?? wahaha.. i know this guys copied my code in this part.. its pretty obvious..[quote]Hi Der xavier II..!! Your Friendster UserID is 43146877..
Sat Aug 25 2007 01:43:14 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time)[/quote]
even the ..!! and .. is correct.. i mean same as mine.. wow..

his title bar message is exactly the same as here..
http://friendster.com/adiharisman and also the background.. roflmao

hmhm.. i also saw this one [b][Click here for the smilies][/b] <- the link is my smilies.html

eniweizz.. nothing.. just sharing..