[b]Nice Facts!
I'm learning a lot!
here's mine..
"Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in
the letters "mt".
"Duff" is the decaying organic matter found on a forest floor.
"Fickleheaded" and "fiddledeedee" are the longest words consisting only of letters in the first half of the alphabet.
"Asthma" and "isthmi" are the only six-letter words that begin and end with a vowel and have no other vowels between.
"Fortnight" is a contraction of "fourteen nights." In the US "two weeks" is more commonly used.
"Forty" is the only number which has its letters in alphabetical order. "One" is the only number with its letters in reverse alphabetical order.
"Four" is the only number whose number of letters in the name equals the number.
"Rhythm" is the longest word without any vowel. (my discovery

"One thousand" contains the letter A, but none of the words from one to nine hundred ninety-nine has an A.
1 in every 3 people in the country of Israel use a cell phone.
1 kg (2.2 pounds) of lemons contain more sugar than 1 kg of strawberries.
1,525,000,000 miles of telephone wire are strung across the Unites States.
1.7 litres of saliva is produced each day. In Discovery Channel, its a quart.
10 percent of all human beings ever born are alive at this very moment.
10% of human dry weight comes from bacteria
11% of the world is left-handed.
111, 111, 111 X 111, 111, 111 = 12, 345, 678, 987, 654, 321
111111111squared = 12345678987654321
123,000,000 cars are being driven on highways in the United States.
166,875,000,000 pieces of mail are delivered each year in the United States.
1959's A Raisin in the Sun was the first play by a black woman to be produced on Broadway.
2 and 5 are the only prime numbers that end in 2 or 5.
203 million dollars is spent on barbed wire each year in the U.S.
22,000 checks will be deducted from the wrong bank accounts in the next hour.
23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their buttocks.
25% of a human's bones are in its feet.
259200 people die every day.
27% of Americans believe we never landed on the moon.
A "Blue Moon" is the second full moon in a calendar month (it is rarely blue).
48% of astronauts experience motion sickness.
52% of Americans drink coffee.
55.1% of all US prisoners are in prison for drug offenses.
80% of animals on earth are insects.
80% of arrested criminals are male.
By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.
Thats all for now.
