* I confess I'm kinda pissed today. Some people just don't understand.

Just go ahead and do whatever you want, will you? I don't need an explanation from you. Shoulda Woulda Coulda? Ugh. Keep your stinking sht away from me. D:< You don't know sht!

I still don't know why he keeps on freaking texting me every single day. Would a normal guy really do that? Tell a girl about his day without her even asking? O___O Seriously. What is up with that? Haha.

Err. Hope I'm not being rude or anything, but I didn't ask.

I'm clinically depressed. :< Hopefully, the shoot later with a friend of mine would cheer me up somehow. *o* Life is too complicated. >.<
Last edited by blackmamba (2010-06-24 16:35:24)