I have to save money from now. My Mom is working hard abroad just to earn money for my future and yet I would spend it in not so important things? How's that? Stupid, self-centered brat if you ask me. XD
I'm turning 16 in days. I can't explain how I feel. .___. I don't know if I am excited or what..but there's one thing I want to do on my birthday, hug ALL my classmates. :>
I want to study Calculus already. I know I am sometimes having problems coping up with my peers when it comes to Maths but I know I can do this! Fighting~
I am quite anxious about Denden returning to our school tomorrow. I don't know what to expect. Should I lie low or should I mingle with them tomorrow.
Seems like everything will be different starting tomorrow. Guess I have to make new adjustments. (: And start all over again. Ugh