Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god.
I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je
I confess I am not feeling well right now. My head aches so bad, I wanna cry. And this cold, I keep sniffing. ): And my body, I think I'm having Trangkaso. I wanna absent tomorrow, but on the second thought, I'm worried about tomorrow. We haz lotsa assignments, and really, I need to be on school tomorrow. T-T So Redundant, eh? Anyway, this Physics and English assignment is killing me. And now, I also have to worry about the upcoming Investigatory Project, Science Fair to be passed next week. Senior Life is gonna kill me soon. But okay, I think there's still some good point and positive outcome.. in Trigonometry. Really, I Am Loving Trigonometry So Much. I thought Math IV will be the hardest, but It turned out being the Easiest! XD I really suck at Geometry and Algebra, but okay, I'm so superb at Trigo! I am so proud, lol.
I confess my dad blocked my ATM Card. Really, I am so MAD. Why does he have to be so atat with the Money?! I can always withdraw when I get home, you know. |: Amf.