2007-11-09 06:25:22

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=irissia][b]how can i change the color of it's scrollbar:)[/b][/quote] Add /* CUSTOM SCROLLBARS */ (blue fonts below) and change the HEX VALUE color of the bold texts... [quote]/* Reset and base font: base font = Arial 11px/1.22em, #[color=green]8B008B[/color] (scale: 10px = 90%; 12px = 109%; 14px = 127%; 16px = 145%) */ table,tr,body,div,td {margin:0;padding:0;border: 0px;} body {color:#[color=green]8B008B[/color];font:11px arial,helvetica,sans-serif;} table {font-size:inherit;font:100%;} body { text-align: center; background: transparent overflow-y:scroll } /* Default link styles */ a { font-weight: bold; } a:link, a:visited, a:active, a:hover { text-decoration: none; color: #[color=orange]BC8F8F[/color]; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #[color=orage]BC8F8F[/color]; } a.action:link, a.action:visited, a.action:hover, a.action:active { color: #[color=orange]BC8F8F[/color]; } #main, .row , tr, td { width: 100%; } #top, #foot, #ad { padding: 5px } .row td { padding: 5px } span, .more, .visit, .copy { font-size: smaller; } .imageblock { vertical-align: top; background: transparent; overflow: hidden; height:75px; width:75px; text-align: center; border: #F0E68C 4px ridge; } img { height: 75px; border: 0px; } .visit { margin-bottom: 5px; } .even { background: transparent; } .rtd, .ltd { vertical-align: top; } .ltd { width: 85px; } .rtd { padding-left: 0px !important } sup { font-size: .5em } .online { color: green; font-weight: bold } .strong { font-weight: bold; } #plinks a:link, #plinks a:visited, #plinks a:active, #plinks a:hover { text-decoration: none; } .pageselected:link { color: #DDDDDD; } [color=blue]/* CUSTOM SCROLLBARS */ body { scrollbar-face-color: #[b]F0E68C[/b]; scrollbar-highlight-color: #[b]BC8F8F[/b]; scrollbar-shadow-color: #[b]4682B4[/b]; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #[b]4682B4[/b]; scrollbar-arrow-color: #[b]ffffff[/b]; scrollbar-track-color: #[b]BC8F8F[/b]; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #[b]8B008B[/b]; } [/color] /* IMAGE EFFECTS */ a:hover img { filter:none; } img { filter:alpha(Opacity=100,FinishOpacity=0,Style=2); }[/quote]

Last edited by levisornothing (2007-11-09 06:39:06)

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