Re: Well. Post Those People Who're Stalkers, Rippers & Spammers.
And Post Their Friendster URL Here. Or Any Evidence Like.. Screenshot/s.
That's All Guys.. Be Sure That Their REAL Stalkers ETC.
Be Specif
uhmmmm.yea.....there's this really weird girl that's been stalking me for a first she wanted me to be in her friends list.....and then she gave me a comment...I thought to myself that she's nice......then .....after a while I noticed that she had taken all of my photos and then she even tooked some graphics from my profiles and even some words that have been written in my profile.....and then she kept on sending me these love messages and I really got annoyed.......she just kept on buggin me......and then suddenly she got angry at me for no apparent I posted a bulletin with the title who the F_ck are you anyway? coz I was so pissed...In the bulletin I was telling her why would she get mad at me for no apparent reason?!?!Im the one that should be mad in the first place....then her sister and I had an the end she apologized........but after a while......she kept on sending me these love messages again! and asking me personal stuff.......and she even wanted to add me on my yahoo messenger........since she saw my display name in my ym which was jerome true.......she changed her display name on friendster into chrizelle falze......I'm so pissed at this girl.she just won't stop....right now my pictures are gone in her profile....but her friends have my pictures!'s her url......