[quote=trigger_happy26]The planet Jupiter is so big that all the other planets in the solar system could fit inside it at the same time.[/quote]
yah But if theres a possiblity to touch it..
everyone could lift it up coz it is made in gas>>>
[quote=Padme]Oh dear...
I'm fond of eating a whole carrot in one seating.
I wonder if it's bad. Gotta do some research.[/quote]
eating a lot of carrots will make you more cute as you are like a bunny...

------DID you know that there is a creature name Nessie living in a lake called Loch Ness---
It will only appear to those human which is kind hearted...
------------Giant squid, once believed to be mythical creatures------------------------------
that was elders said... but IT is TRUE!...
there is a Giant squid that has a tremendous size
Still image from the first video of a live adult giant squid, filmed on December 4, 2006 by researchers from the National Science Museum of Japan led by Tsunemi Kubodera. But some scientist believe that there is more bigger and larger than thing... the evidence is that the big scars cause of its tentacles they saw ones in a big whale.. a tremendous fight deep deep deep in the ocean..
Neutron stars are a hyper-dense form of dead star composed almost entirely of neutrons
One teaspoon of a neutron star would weigh about 2 billion tons??? can You imagine that??
Try to use it instead of using barbell

-----------------------------------------OGLE, NewPlanet???---------------------------------------
This planet is actually the first and only planet that has been discovered so far that is in agreement with the theories for how our solar system formed...The planet is five times the mass of Earth, but it's still considered the smallest and coolest ever detected outside of the solar system, according to the scientists. It circles a red parent star, which is five times smaller than the Sun, in about 10 years. Because the parent star is cool and within a large orbit, scientists believe OGLE's surface is icy and too cold for liquid water at an estimated 220 degrees Centigrade below zero.
--------------------------Resurrecting The Most Deadly Virus In Human History-------------------
To Stop It From Killing Tens Of Millions Again
"The Immune Response Is Contributing To The Lethality Of The Virus"
Another report on the ressurection of the 1918 'Spanish Flu' virus, and how experiments on infecting monkeys with the 'reborn' H1N1 virus have revealed the truth lethality of the flu that killed 40 to 60 million people in 1918-1919.
Basically, the researchers now assume that the way the monkeys were consumed by the virus is pretty close to how humans succumbed to it.
The first signs of infection appear within 24 hours of exposure, the immune system goes into overdrive to fight the virus, but end up filling the lungs with blood and fluid. On top of all the other terrible ways the H1N1 destroys the human body, the victim ends up, literally, drowning on their own blood.
creepy... isnt it??
THAts all for now...
Last edited by senyorito21 (2007-06-07 14:46:24)