• » Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

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Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

nice works but its a litte unattractive.. =|
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

yup i agree with u fando91, i think it's not attractive. But ghe thanks! :)
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

geez your trick is getting more higher previews, keep on sharing here in friendstertalk [b]shirow[/b] =) :thumbsup: and visit dynamic drive for more tricks, they have a lot of tweaks there, some of them maybe will work while some of them will not.
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

[quote=frostmourne_05]is this one for js or css??? <">[b]updated[/b]:i made it work with my tracker.js codes hehehe :eh:[/quote] thats not the css it is the part when you edit the color of your scrolling nav hehehe @Frost really you manage to apply it on tracker js hmm how did you paste it Top or Down section of the code *It works Perfectly on Fire Fox i guess FF user will like this trick :drool: Thx For Your comments guys =) this is my first time :penguin: to be praised i will make this work on IE cause when you apply this code with the other i think there will be a conflict but! like i said in earlier post [i]"still finding a way to make it work on both browsers"[/i] @cip I will Cip ^_^ look forward to that :smoke:

Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2007-09-10 06:27:13)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

thanks for sharing. :thumbsup: i'm waiting this this for so long :norose:
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

[quote=roCksTAriC]thanks for sharing. :thumbsup: i'm waiting this this for so long :norose:[/quote] really im happy for you dude =) :thumbsup:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

what banner css code should i use because my quick nav fade it.
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

[quote=roCksTAriC]what banner css code should i use because my quick nav fade it.[/quote] there is no CSS there its already in the js the only thing you will do is to apply it on your tracker js on the very top or make a new js file :D
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

is this not neede anymore ? <">[quote]Shirow Masamune wrote: there is no CSS there its already in the js the only thing you will do is to apply it on your tracker js on the very top or make a new js file biggrin[/quote] i mean my banner fade my my quick nav. when i use it beside the banner.view my profile to see if you want :cry:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

wow nice code... i got it working but i got a little conflict with the css code... btw! can i get the link or website where you got your scrolling navigation menu beside your main photo? :paranoid:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

whoahh this code is soo cool! i'll using it.. Thx for sharing.. =) :thumbsup:
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

[quote=roCksTAriC]is this not neede anymore ? <">[quote]Shirow Masamune wrote: there is no CSS there its already in the js the only thing you will do is to apply it on your tracker js on the very top or make a new js file biggrin[/quote] i mean my banner fade my my quick nav. when i use it beside the banner.view my profile to see if you want :cry:[/quote] compile it with the other css if you want ^^ about your problem in the banner i will find a solution to that :thumbsup:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

@shirow this code is awesome :D thank you for sharing this one. =)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

thanks for this tricks Shirow Masamune..
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

@shirow.. i think there's a problem with ur code...sometimes it doesn't work...but after i refresh my page...it works again..wat do u think is the problem? here's my code: [quote]///***Credits for Dynamic Drive***/// ///***Shirow Masamune's Floating Navigation***/// NS6 = (document.getElementById&&!document.all) IE = (document.all) NS = (navigator.appName=="Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)=="4") tempBar='';barBuilt=0;ssmItems=new Array(); function truebody(){ return (document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body } moving=setTimeout('null',1) function moveOut() { if ((NS6||NS)&&parseInt(ssm.left)<0 || IE && ssm.pixelLeft<0) { clearTimeout(moving);moving = setTimeout('moveOut()', slideSpeed);slideMenu(10)} else {clearTimeout(moving);moving=setTimeout('null',1)}}; function moveBack() {clearTimeout(moving);moving = setTimeout('moveBack1()', waitTime)} function moveBack1() { if ((NS6||NS) && parseInt(ssm.left)>(-menuWidth) || IE && ssm.pixelLeft>(-menuWidth)) { clearTimeout(moving);moving = setTimeout('moveBack1()', slideSpeed);slideMenu(-10)} else {clearTimeout(moving);moving=setTimeout('null',1)}} function slideMenu(num){ if (IE) {ssm.pixelLeft += num;} if (NS6) {ssm.left = parseInt(ssm.left)+num+"px";} if (NS) {ssm.left = parseInt(ssm.left)+num; bssm.clip.right+=num;bssm2.clip.right+=num;}} function makeStatic() { if (NS||NS6) {winY = window.pageYOffset;} if (IE) {winY = truebody().scrollTop;} if (NS6||IE||NS) { if (winY!=lastY&&winY>YOffset-staticYOffset) { smooth = .2 * (winY - lastY - YOffset + staticYOffset);} else if (YOffset-staticYOffset+lastY>YOffset-staticYOffset) { smooth = .2 * (winY - lastY - (YOffset-(YOffset-winY)));} else {smooth=0} if(smooth > 0) smooth = Math.ceil(smooth); else smooth = Math.floor(smooth); if (IE) bssm.pixelTop+=smooth; if (NS6) bssm.top=parseInt(bssm.top)+smooth+"px" if (NS) bssm.top=parseInt(bssm.top)+smooth lastY = lastY+smooth; setTimeout('makeStatic()', 1)}} function buildBar() { if(barText.indexOf('<IMG')>-1) {tempBar=barText} else{for (b=0;b<barText.length;b++) {tempBar+=barText.charAt(b)+"<BR>"}} document.write('<td align="center" rowspan="100" width="'+barWidth+'" bgcolor="'+barBGColor+'" valign="'+barVAlign+'"><p align="center"><font face="'+barFontFamily+'" Size="'+barFontSize+'" COLOR="'+barFontColor+'"><B>'+tempBar+'</B></font></p></TD>')} function initSlide() { if (NS6){ssm=document.getElementById("thessm").style;bssm=document.getElementById("basessm").style; bssm.clip="rect(0 "+document.getElementById("thessm").offsetWidth+" "+document.getElementById("thessm").offsetHeight+" 0)";ssm.visibility="visible";} else if (IE) {ssm=document.all("thessm").style;bssm=document.all("basessm").style bssm.clip="rect(0 "+thessm.offsetWidth+" "+thessm.offsetHeight+" 0)";bssm.visibility = "visible";} else if (NS) {bssm=document.layers["basessm1"]; bssm2=bssm.document.layers["basessm2"];ssm=bssm2.document.layers["thessm"]; bssm2.clip.left=0;ssm.visibility = "show";} if (menuIsStatic=="yes") makeStatic();} function buildMenu() { if (IE||NS6) {document.write('<DIV ID="basessm" style="visibility:hidden;Position : Absolute ;Left : '+XOffset+'px ;Top : '+YOffset+'px ;Z-Index : 20;width:'+(menuWidth+barWidth+10)+'px"><DIV ID="thessm" style="Position : Absolute ;Left : '+(-menuWidth)+'px ;Top : 0 ;Z-Index : 20;" onmouseover="moveOut()" onmouseout="moveBack()">')} if (NS) {document.write('<LAYER name="basessm1" top="'+YOffset+'" LEFT='+XOffset+' visibility="show"><ILAYER name="basessm2"><LAYER visibility="hide" name="thessm" bgcolor="'+menuBGColor+'" left="'+(-menuWidth)+'" onmouseover="moveOut()" onmouseout="moveBack()">')} if (NS6){document.write('<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="'+(menuWidth+barWidth+2)+'px" bgcolor="'+menuBGColor+'"><TR><TD>')} document.write('<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" width="'+(menuWidth+barWidth+2)+'px" bgcolor="'+menuBGColor+'">'); for(i=0;i<ssmItems.length;i++) { if(!ssmItems[i][3]){ssmItems[i][3]=menuCols;ssmItems[i][5]=menuWidth-1} else if(ssmItems[i][3]!=menuCols)ssmItems[i][5]=Math.round(menuWidth*(ssmItems[i][3]/menuCols)-1); if(ssmItems[i-1]&&ssmItems[i-1][4]!="no"){document.write('<TR>')} if(!ssmItems[i][1]){ document.write('<td bgcolor="'+hdrBGColor+'" HEIGHT="'+hdrHeight+'px" ALIGN="'+hdrAlign+'" VALIGN="'+hdrVAlign+'" WIDTH="'+ssmItems[i][5]+'" COLSPAN="'+ssmItems[i][3]+'"> <font face="'+hdrFontFamily+'" Size="'+hdrFontSize+'" COLOR="'+hdrFontColor+'"><b>'+ssmItems[i][0]+'</b></font></td>')} else {if(!ssmItems[i][2])ssmItems[i][2]=linkTarget; document.write('<TD BGCOLOR="'+linkBGColor+'" onmouseover="bgColor=\''+linkOverBGColor+'\'" onmouseout="bgColor=\''+linkBGColor+'\'" WIDTH="'+ssmItems[i][5]+'px" COLSPAN="'+ssmItems[i][3]+'"><ILAYER><LAYER onmouseover="bgColor=\''+linkOverBGColor+'\'" onmouseout="bgColor=\''+linkBGColor+'\'" WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="'+linkAlign+'"><DIV ALIGN="'+linkAlign+'"><FONT face="'+linkFontFamily+'" Size="'+linkFontSize+'"> <A HREF="'+ssmItems[i][1]+'" target="'+ssmItems[i][2]+'" CLASS="ssmItems">'+ssmItems[i][0]+'</DIV></LAYER></ILAYER></TD>')} if(ssmItems[i][4]!="no"&&barBuilt==0){buildBar();barBuilt=1} if(ssmItems[i][4]!="no"){document.write('</TR>')}} document.write('</table>') if (NS6){document.write('</TD></TR></TABLE>')} if (IE||NS6) {document.write('</DIV></DIV>')} if (NS) {document.write('</LAYER></ILAYER></LAYER>')} theleft=-menuWidth;lastY=0;setTimeout('initSlide();', 1)} <!-- /* Configure menu styles below NOTE: To edit the link colors, go to the STYLE tags and edit the ssm2Items colors */ YOffset=150; // no quotes!! XOffset=0; staticYOffset=30; // no quotes!! slideSpeed=20 // no quotes!! waitTime=100; // no quotes!! this sets the time the menu stays out for after the mouse goes off it. menuBGColor="#000000"; menuIsStatic="yes"; //this sets whether menu should stay static on the screen menuWidth=150; // Must be a multiple of 10! no quotes!! menuCols=2; hdrFontFamily="Comic Sans MS"; hdrFontSize="2"; hdrFontColor="white"; hdrBGColor="#000000"; hdrAlign="center"; hdrVAlign="center"; hdrHeight="13"; linkFontFamily="Comic Sans MS"; linkFontSize="1"; linkBGColor="#000000"; linkOverBGColor="#000000"; linkTarget="_top"; linkAlign="center"; barBGColor="#000000"; barFontFamily="Comic Sans MS"; barFontSize="1"; barFontColor="#ffffff"; barVAlign="center"; barWidth=20; // no quotes!! barText="Quick Navigation Menu"; // <IMG> tag supported. Put exact html for an image to show. /////////////////////////// // ssmItems[...]=[name, link, target, colspan, endrow?] - leave 'link' and 'target' blank to make a header ssmItems[0]=["Navigation"] //create header ssmItems[1]=["Home", "http://www.friendster.com/", ""] ssmItems[2]=["Profile", "http://profiles.friendster.com/user.php",""] ssmItems[3]=["Explore", "http://friendster.com/explore.php", ""] ssmItems[4]=["Mobs", "http://mobs.friendster.com/", ""] ssmItems[5]=["Classified", "http://olx.friendster.com/gateway_cobranded.php?country=PH", ""] ssmItems[6]=["Jobs", "http://olx.friendster.com/gateway_cobranded.php?country=PH&target=jobs", ""] ssmItems[7]=["Invite", "http://www.friendster.com/invite.php", ""] ssmItems[8]=["Messages", "http://www.friendster.com/messages.php", ""] ssmItems[9]=["Settings", "http://www.friendster.com/editaccount.php", ""] ssmItems[10]=["Help", "http://www.friendster.com/custhelp.php", "_new"] ssmItems[11]=["Log Out", "http://www.friendster.com/logout.php", ""] buildMenu(); //-->[/quote] thx in advance..i really love it!
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

same with me [b]flavonoid[/b]
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

lol...i just notice it...@_@ now i'm wondering if this code still works... :doubt:

Last edited by flavonoid (2007-09-11 07:19:09)

Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

guys this trick is still working especially in FF it works great but in IE i don't think so :wasted: i dont know whats the cause of that problem even me im having a problem when viewing it in IE its not there but when you refresh it it will appear :smoke: maybe its having a conflict with the other script :ninja:

Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2007-09-11 08:16:48)

ąnge£ $hinTa
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

wow.. nice code.. i'll try !! thx for sharing.. =)
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

we salute u shirow!!! haha.. nice script..and u work this for a day.. good job i like it!! urm..if u dont mind i wanna use it okei?? :eh: :thumbsup: :gift: :gift: :gift:
  • » Thx to my epic friend blurrycloud he made it back again and thx for shakiro too for the idea and reference and also to dynamicdrive.com for the script :thumbsup: [code]function epicwin(){ epic="<di

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