[quote=forsakendoll]i do [b]wanna[/b] quit smoking but there's a lot of temptations even here at home
my grandmother smoke, my dad smokes, even my siblings and friends . .
at this rate i wont be able to quit.

But i already get exhausted easily and sometimes i have trouble breathing but i just can't help myself grab the cigar that' just layin' around here especially after eating or when i need to go to the bathroom

am i doom forever ?

thanks for the advices though

Nah, you're not doomed forever. Have you tried asking your family members if they will help support and encourage you to quit smoking? Believe me, I know how hard it is. I kinda gave up myself, but only because I decided that I'd didn't "really" want to quit. Maybe I'll change my mind again one day.
You can do it, I know you can. If you really want to quit, then you just gotta ignore all the temptations. Be strong.

I have faith in you!!

And I can be one of your supporters. (Except I'm not gonna be around for a while, going on a hiatus for a few weeks). But I will think positive thoughts for you, and hopefully you'll be a non-smoker by the time I come back to active status again.

Again, good luck.