I don't like what it says on mine:

I like some though...

Can be mean. - Yup. I have a short temper...

EXTREMELY sexy. - No comment...

Intelligent. - Friends and Family says so, but I don't think so. What do yojavascript:insert_text('

', '');

u think?
Energetic. - 100% true. Love sports.
Predict future. - Hmm. so I'm a psychic?

Most erotic. - What do you mean by that?
[Didn't include the gross ones...

Always get what they want. - Not true. I don't always get what I want. I'm not a pampered pooch!
Sexy. - There's that word again!
Attractive. - Oh really?
Easy going. - You judge.

Loves being in long relationships. - Haven't been on a relationship so... But yeah, I guess I do.
Talkative. - YES!!!!
The sexiest ever.... - Why won't you stop talking about this word???
Romantic. - Really? Hope I'm not corny.
Caring. -
