» What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
What should happen to spammers ?
i'd say they shall die, die, die !
haha. just kidding..
--maybe a ban or curse or something like that will do.
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
Just give them a warning..
i saw some friendstertalk members not warning the spammer..
isn't right??
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
give them a warning then banned them 4ever .. wahahaha
then kill them..
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
KILLED! Hahaha,
Especially that ola maria. Hahahaha.
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
okay?!?! killed lol!? i say warn.. but if they still spam after the warning.. then they should be banned... because.. some spams are not intentionally.. figure out for yourself. lol. hehe
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
i say they should be given a warning, and then if they remain persistent in their spamming ways, then they should be banned forever
killing them? lol, that's a bit harsh, don't ya think?
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
U can Cursed Or banned
Patricia isobel pinky_girl_patricia
in first when shes newbie she really spam
even now..
she spamming by [i]giving -repu in a spam reason[/i]
SPammers Should [b]DIE[/b] [i]except patricia [i] she should be Kicked[/i]
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
Spammers Must be warned First.. Then they should be cursed..
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
better give them a warning and if they are seen doing it again for the 2nd time..
start to threatened them!
and on the third time..
it's time to kill 'em!
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
they should be warned first, but if they won't listen.. kill 'em. jus kiddin'
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
[quote=Ephemeral]If spammer exist consult your moderator.[/quote]
[b]Nice Kuya Ephe..
BTW,kuya Ephe is correct![/b]
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
If I'll spam, will you kill me?
I want some fight..
PM me and I'll spam, then I'll give you my full address so that we can fight..
@ topic - Give them a warning..
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
Kill all leave none!!11
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
It depends if they've done it more than twice/thrice.
I think sometimes people don't know they're spamming it's silly but it's true.
So those who abuse the threads should be banned!
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
[img]http://dl10.glitter-graphics.net/pub/575/575280tvjrzkx7ho.gif[/img][color=red]They should be banned for ever[/color]
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
[align=center][b] at first just give them a warning .. but if they dis obey banned them ..[/b][/align]
Re: What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in
for newbies- give them a warning for the first time..if they continued it,, ban them LOL
for the ranks higher than that -they should be [u]killed[/u] (aww)
» What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be [b]killed.[/b]
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in