[quote=lilprincess950]What do you think should happen to spammers?I think they should be killed.
They don't appreciate what we do here in Ftalk.All they wanna do is spam,spam,spam.I wish there wasn't any spammers in this world.Anyway,just vote what you think should happen.[/quote]
why? dont kill them, no one has the right ot kill anybody (sorry sis, i'm just uber drunk right now.. but i know i could sill give some opinions to be considered..)..
for me, a warning and some explanation of what they did is enough fo that moment. however, if they still continue to do such actions, then it is time to report them to the proper authorities for their necessary action.
happy new tear to all!

sorru about his post, i am drunk, an old drunk man, please do understand me... i am away from y family for about a year now