ok for you guys having trouble with their sidebars using wvm 2.2,
heres the generator for you.so it will make you easy to add those sidebars in your profile...
[color=red]heres the link[/color]: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/heinz/wvm.html]ADDBOX GEN[/url]

put your generated code inside your onload handler......

take note that this addbox generator is only for those who are using 2.2 version tracker..
If you have more doubt about the generator, you can read miss DUCHESZV TUTORIAL

HERES THE LINK: [url=http://theftalk.com/t16599-WVM2.2-Marfillaster%27s-Addbox-Gen.-Explained.html]CUTIE DUCHESZV TUTORIAL[/url]
preview : [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/lordheinz[/url]
cheers guys!!!!
Last edited by lordheinz (2008-02-04 10:08:28)