[b]For me: to be honest

yah it annoys meh if sumone Break the Rules.

I hate if sumone tries to copy my style in (Overlayouts , Graphics , and Avatars.)
:idea: coz everyone of us have our own style and idea, we musn't depend to others style coz it's a crime called COPYCAT. coz for me I want to be unique in my way. And I don't like if sumeone tries to steal my style away from me, that is a FOUL! move to make.

COPYCAT- are the one who copies all what u have. And tries to be like u even they are not. so called TRYING HARDS.

I hate a members who are starting sum bad fights here in Ftalk coz as we all known. Ftalk is about having Friends not for a Fight

I hate if sumone don't know their limitations..
that's all hope you understand meh, and respect my opinion and comments for sum of the members here now you know what I feel

but still I LOVE all the members here coz they are like a FAMILY to me


:gift: :gift:
xoxo, Ayei <3