[quote=chibib0]i provide a script which can enhance php cache function, im planning to add it up on the last phase version of this wvm, coz it needs more config due to some bugs that occur on the first phase, i removed it for awhile.. u can see it from my previous versions of wvm(2.2.1) if u know or remembered it..

basing from your reply
[quote][b]im planning to add it up on the last phase version of this wvm, coz it needs more config due to some bugs that occur on the first phase, i removed it for awhile..[/b][/quote]
so there's no need to add this [b]yet[/b]

[b]Improve cache [/b]
[quote]u can see it from my previous versions of wvm(2.2.1)[/quote]

if that was from ur previous version wvm(2.2.[b]1[/b]) as you said
it's not necessary to say that this version is wvm(2.3.[b]5[/b]) am i right?

all you did was
the generator
and this part ---v


to end this discussion
:idea: you should ask permission first to shak's and shirow.. for coming up with this generator...
and please.. i don't agree with this part...
[quote]wvm 2.3.5 version by chibibo
[b]Some parts[/b] is credited to: Shirow Masamune and Shakiro[/quote]
Last edited by blurrycloud (2008-03-18 01:05:56)