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But its a nice idea. Singing Mods. Haha.
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yebahhh that's cool
who are the contestants ...
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Dadi Ej.
As of now, they are the ones who said that they can do falsetto.
Though, they're not very good at it. Lol.
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Ephe is on too =d=d
We -the ladies mods- will be the judges =d
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I think shirow will be signing for it.. right bro shirow?
I think forsakendoll can do some stuff too....
others that can also sing as well
misz_faith and angelalaine...
i already heard them singing ... nice nice sweet melodies
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Am going to Join!
I can sing.
And they say am good at it. *smug*
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Aha. Cloud and My Hunney will register for Ftalk Idol.
Ate, Where's the application form? =d
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[quote][b]Name:[/b] Complete Name
[b]Song:[/b] Title of song + Artist who sang it
[b]Specialty[/b]: Genre you're good at.
[b]Achievements:[/b] Singing contests you've won.[/quote]
Shirow, Xave, Ephe, Dadi ej, Harvii, Ice what are you waiting for.. fill up the forms and we're gonna start it. Any more applicants?
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We should prepare the Auditions Room also. =d
Maybe they should post their vids heere. =d
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Lol. I will apply.
I agree with that.
Hahaha. We'll be able to hear and SEE them sing! Yey!
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^ corz.. an audtion room is cool..
for the benefit of [b]Ephe[/b]:
you can have your face with a mask..
as long as the mask is a drawing of your face
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Wooo. This is it.
[quote][b]Name:[/b] Ice Garcia
[b]Song:[/b] I Promise - Stacie Orrico - LOL.
[b]Specialty:[/b] Lol...i POP ?!
Member of the school chorale - Is this even included? Haha.
1st place - Voices in harmony
100 - videoke. Nyahaha!
2nd place - 2008 OPM singing contest[/quote]
Okay. No vids please. Hahahaha!!
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@harbe. i originally ordered black, then i remembered it's summer so i'll go for white. it's hotter whe you wear black during hot days.
@the Ftalk Idol thingy
Can i join??? i wanna sing.. bwahahahah
if you want the world to be doomed!!
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Ftalk Idol? I donut know..I'm not frefaired! lol. Ask my voice coach/manager, Nicey lol jkes.
Well nicey heard me singing and she said that my voice quality is good but the song I sung doesn't match my voice. She also said that my I'm still having difficulties in falsetto and some flat notes, and she'll send me herself voice recorded tutorial lol. Nicey said that neyo's song can match up with my voice ahahaha...
Agree with you! But black is still cooler. I wish there's a striped one!
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Camon. Join! Nyahaha.
Neyo? COOL.
*kinakarir mo ah.
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^ nice achievements you got there sis.. i only get 50 in videoke.. damn music box..
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Maybe we can have duet acts. Hahahaha Ice is already prepared
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Aw. Dats ok.
At least your trying.
Hahahaha! Am not prepared. Lol.
Gotta go now. I'll drink my medicine [i]na lang[/i] so that I'll be able to sleep.
Damn insomnia.
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i miss having the cbox on the index.
i wish admin will put it back there again.
i know that the index will load faster without it there but .. hehe
nothing .. nvm me
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