I just read some of Jovito and Cloud's posts. And their tweaking loudfusion. That's why I got into it as well.

Visit my loudfusion too.

[url=http://www.loudfusion.com/user/xavierkym][b]CLICK[/b][/url] [i]Please add me[/i]

Lol. I tried the myspace linker by shakiro and it worked in loudfusion.
Just put it in [url=http://www.loudfusion.com/settings.php?action=edit_profile]About Me Section[/url].
Let's use javascript in Loudfusion guys.

weee... loudfusion owned?

[b]EDIT:[/b] I replaced my sponsor box with cbox

the easiest way i know

[quote]var loudfufu;

the sad part about my profile is that i only got 4 contacts that includes JovitO

add me as well: [url=http://www.loudfusion.com/user/blurrycloud]Ftalk LF[/url]
Last edited by blurrycloud (2008-04-18 00:00:58)