• » [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

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[i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

» FTalkAgent
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[i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

[i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]Want to keep your favorite [b]YouTube videos[/b]? Now you can save them![/color] I have a lot of videos I like from YouTube. I thought I'd like to download them all, but I didn't know how. Searching and reading always does the trick. This tutorial teaches you [i]how to download[/i] YouTube videos. And [i]convert them to a specific video file[/i] that you want. This trick can help you get more [i]videos for your phones and iPODs[/i]! It also applies for other video sites like iFILM, Google, etc. To get started, below is my comprehensive tutorial I did for you guys. There are 2 parts for this tutorial, just read them carefully. Also please note of the tools you need before proceeding with the download. If you have have any questions, just ask.. =| [color=red][b]TOOLS:[/b][/color] [b]RIVA FLV Encoder [/b]([url=http://www.download.com/Riva-FLV-Encoder/3000-2140-10320097.html]click here[/url]) [b]KeepVID[/b] ([url=http://www.keepvid.com]click here[/url]) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [color=red][b]HOW TO DOWNLOAD YOUTUBE VIDEOS:[/b][/color] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Find your YouTube video. 2. Get the video URL. - - - - - - [img]http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/8297/1cn8.jpg[/img] - - - - - - 3. Go to [url=http://www.keepvid.com]KeepVid.com[/url]. - - - - - - [img]http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/7084/2ym0.jpg[/img] - - - - - - 4. Paste YouTube video URL on KeepVid. - - - - - - [img]http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/9572/3sd1.jpg[/img] - - - - - - 5. Select [i][b]YouTube[/b][/i] on source. - - - - - - [img]http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/3060/4qh7.jpg[/img] - - - - - - 6. Click [i][b]DOWNLOAD[/b][/i]. - - - - - - [img]http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/7306/5pp9.jpg[/img] - - - - - - 7. Click the [i][b]DOWNLOAD LINK[/b][/i] to save the FLV (video) on your PC. - - - - - - [img]http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/774/6by7.jpg[/img] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [color=red][b]HOW TO CONVERT FLV TO MPEG, AVI, WMV, ETC:[/b][/color] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Rename downloaded FLV movie [i](get_video)[/i]. Example, rename it to [b][i]video.flv[/i][/b]. - - - - - - [img]http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/4436/1xsf6.jpg[/img] - - - - - - 2. Open RIVA FLV Encoder and browse [b][i]video.flv[/i][/b] from your PC. - - - - - - [img]http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/2357/2xcm9.jpg[/img] - - - - - - 3. Browse [b][i]Output Directory[/i][/b] [i](where your converted file will be saved)[/i]. - - - - - - [img]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/6366/3xmy3.jpg[/img] - - - - - - 4. Rename [b][i]Destination video file[/i][/b] from [i][b]video.flv[/b][/i] to [b][i]video.mpeg[/i][/b]. - - - - - - [img]http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/5616/4xty3.jpg[/img] - - - - - - 5. Finally click [b][i]ENCODE[/i][/b] and wait for your video! - - - - - - [img]http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/4301/5xvj2.jpg[/img] - - - - - - 6. You can also specify the [b][i]Movie Size[/i][/b] that you want. - - - - - - [img]http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/1025/6xsv8.jpg[/img] - - - - - - Easy right? Enjoy downloading and converting![/quote] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by oKuNi (Method #2)[/b][/color] Click on: [url=http://www.softwareheadlines.com/modules/rmdp/332]Youtube Grabber[/url] -the site where you can download the youtube grabber, which lets you download FLV files from youtube. Simply copy and paste the URL of a video from youtube into the program, press grab OR enter, and the file will be downloaded into the same directory as the program.To play FLV files you need a FLV player. click on: [url=http://www.phazeddl.com/]PhazeDDL[/url] --the another site for downloading some software u need, be it an application and games and movies. credit for this site goes to my brother :lol:[/quote] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by FoRsAkEnKiD (Method #3)[/b][/color] Here's one of the easiest ways to download YouTube Videos. This tutorial will teach you how to use the online video conversion service of a site called Vixy.net (http://vixy.net). [color=red][b]What you need:[/b][/color] -> No external sofwares to download. All you need is your internet browser. :eh: [color=red][b]What to do:[/b][/color] 1. Go to [url=http://youtube.com]YouTube.com[/url] and serach for the video you wish to download. 2. Get the video's url: [img]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/riev0ne/yttut/yturl.jpg[/img] 3. Now go to [url=http://vixy.net]Vixy.net[/url]. Paste the YouTube vid's url to the textarea: [img]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/riev0ne/yttut/pasteurl.jpg[/img] 4. Below the textarea is a dropdown menu that looks like this: [img]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/riev0ne/yttut/ddown.jpg[/img] Select the [b]avi for Windows[/b] if you want the converted video to be playable in your PC, since a .avi video file is playable in almost all Media Players. You can also select the other options to your liking. You can also choose to download the audio part only to get an instant mp3 from the vid. 5. After selecting your options, just press the [b]Start[/b] button to begin the video grabbing/conversion process. If ever you receive an error message after pressing the Start button, just ignore it and press Cancel, then press the Start button again. Repeat that process until you get something that looks like this: [img]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/riev0ne/yttut/converting.jpg[/img] 6. Wait for the process to finish (might take a couple of minutes), until you have this: [img]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/riev0ne/yttut/fin.jpg[/img] Just click on the download link, and viola! You have just begun downloading your favorite YouTube video. :D :thumbsup: [color=red][b]Pro's:[/b][/color] -> it takes a lesser time to do the process of grabbing and converting the videos, since its done simultaneously. -> average video file size for a 3 minute video is about 5-9 megabytes. -> the quality of the downloaded video is left intact (sometimes its even better). [color=red][b]Con's:[/b][/color] -> the site is still on beta stage, so some bugs and annoying error messages might get in your way at times. -> the size of the downloaded video is just about the size of the vid from YouTube, so its quite small. but you can always get a video converter and re-convert it into a larger one. Happy Downloading! :thumbsup: :D :thumbsup:[/quote] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by greatsage (Method #4)[/b][/color] [b]Requirements:[/b] Firefox and the extension (download the extension here--> http://javimoya.com/blog/youtube_en.php) - First, download the extension. Once you installed it, you will see an icon that looks like a video reel. - Next, go to Youtube, Yahoo! Videos, or any site recognized by the extension. - Once your desired video has finished streaming, click on the video reel icon. a pop-up message will appear. - Click the "download link" button and download it to your desktop. - Once the download has been finished, you can change the video format to .avi by renaming it from "get_video" to "(name of vid).avi". You have to do this asap after the download has been finished. Voila![/quote] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by graphica (Method #5)[/b][/color] i know another method can i add it here hehe... just dl this one :arrow: http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/VDownloader-Download-51327.html then open the vdownloader.exe hehe.. just paste the links from youtube, i google... and the gud thing for this is you dont need to convert it hehehe.. its ready to play in windows media player hehe...[/quote] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by blancheechnalb (Method #6)[/b][/color] 1. if you've got Firefox.. then good for you.. =) (If you don't then download Firefox.. ) 2. just download the Download helper from the Firefox plugins page... [url=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3006]Click Here to Download[/url] install 3. :arrow: Go to You tube [img]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l227/blancheechnalb/3-3.jpg[/img] a. click the Download Helper icon b. click the name of the video you want to save c. it will ask you if you want to save it.. :-) d. then click Save 4. Download helper saves the You tube file as .flv and most players cannot play this kind of file.. So the next step is to download VLC Player (If you already have a player that can play .flv files then just skip this step.. :) ) I recommend this player because it can play a wide array of file types :-) including .flv [url=http://www.videolan.org/mirror.php?file=vlc/0.8.6c/win32/vlc-0.8.6c-win32.exe]To Download VLC Player Click Here[/url] Install 5. Open the VLC Player.. Then Open the folder where you saved your you tube videos and Enjoy!!!!!!!!!! :-) =)[/quote] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by aRies04991 (Method #7)[/b][/color] [color=red]Needs [b]Real Player 11[/b] to download smoothly. :)[/color] I don't know if it'll really work with everyone but that's what my brother is doing. [img]http://h1.ripway.com/nixfeliz/realplayer.JPG[/img] i guess that explains it clearly? first, point your mouse to the video so the "download this video" thing will appear. the rest is up to you to explore (sorry i can't explain it better since i'm just watching them - not downloading them) P.S. downloading is faster when the video is finished buffering.[/quote] [quote][color=blue][b]Posted by michelledeluna23 (Method #8)[/b][/color] hey. i wanna share u something. if u want to download a video in youtube to ur computer, just follow this steps: :arrow: go to youtube's website. :arrow: find and select ur video. [i][do u know [b]URL[/b]? it is on the top, u see it?] [/i] :arrow: just put ONLY "ok" word on the first.. just like this.. [b]see the bold part. [/b][i][click the spoiler][/i] [spoiler]:arrow: http://www.[b]ok[/b]youtube.com/watch?v=de4xdOVVROQ&feature=popular[/spoiler] its automatically downloading wen u type and enter that. hope u undertand. :D [spoiler]repu+ is so much appreciated. :thumbsup:[/spoiler] nxtym. i will share how to download video frm youtube to ur cellphone. "[b].3gp[/b]"[/quote]

Last edited by Ephemeral (2010-02-20 11:44:12)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

[b]wow.. nice tutorial PADME.[/b] :thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

woah! what a turorial ate! i'll try this nextime.lolz!
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

wow! :wow: this is cool!! thanks ate padme! ü
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

is this legal ?!?! hehehe... im now using it... thx !!!!!!!!! :wallbash:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

^ Hahaha! Yeah it is.. As long as you don't sell it your videos. ;)
SymphOny XII
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

\m/ kewl! \m/ =) nice job ate padme ;)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

Yay ! It's really helpful~ :33 Downloaded hundred songs ^^ Arigato Padme-sama !!! **hugs**
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

Hey,, hey!! I love youtube so much, but it took a long time before you could watch it comfortably (loading). How can we make it faster? Or it depends on our browser?
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

Hey Tama-chan, hmm it would really depend on your connection. But sometimes, de-fragging or re-formating it helps speed up your computer. There should be enough memory and diskspace on your computer. The lack of them could have resulted to a slow connection.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

I agree with Padme. But, connection's a bigger part, don't ya think??? Anyways... Wha-?! Whoa!! :o So?! I COULD DOWNLOAD youtube videos?!?!?! Kewl!! Haha, im gonna do that now~! *ZOOOOOM!* ....
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

^ Yeah, but I think YouTube loads OK even on dial-up, right? So downloading your favorite series, commercials and mtvs is soo easy. I LOVE YouTube. Hahaha!
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

I already used this one since my older brother started using this one too :D its nice
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

wHoo...aaaa!!! great!!! no more tears! prepare to download fight!!! padme ur soooo coool....
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

wow!!! ill try that~!
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

Tested and prvoven! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO idol! this is the best trick i've learned on the int3rn3t! lolz.. (saving more vids) try it guyz..it works! :) :thumbsup:
miss kita pag tuesday
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

@padme: hail! hail hail! a million tnks for this , now i can save all pinoy dream academy gala nights!!.. cool! :thumbsup:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

No sweat! :lol: I'm glad you guys found this very useful. :thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

:arrow: [b]how can i save the mpeg file into a VCD or DVD? i used roxio vdc maker but it says that the mpeg file is not playable in a vcd and i need an mpeg converter..>_< [/b] [i]panu tu?[/i]

Last edited by meng.o3 (2007-01-25 08:39:02)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

^ Meng I think you can use NERO for that (mpeg to VCD). I'm using NERO 6, it has a VCD creator, and you can directly burn your MPEG to VCD. I lost the installer I had for video converter. But I think it's still available online, I just forgot the name. :( I'll let you know when I find it.
  • » [i]There are 8 tutorials posted in this thread. =) New ones below. Scroll down and check what's best for you.[/i] [quote]:arrow: [color=blue][b]Posted by Padme (Method #1)[/b][/color] [color=red]W

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