credits:kuya ephemeral and cip...

1.common sense
2.follow the instructions well

here's the code for the css...just replace the [b]URL OF BANNER[/b] with the url of the image you want to put...then paste the entire code on your compiled css codes.
[spoiler]/* BANNER */
#navigation {border-width: 5px;border-color: #HEX COLOR!important;border-style: solid!important;;background:url('URL_OF_BANNER') no-repeat;width: [color=red]???px[/color] ! important;height: [color=red]???px[/color] ! important;background-position: center center; }
#navLang { display: none; }
#navigation div { background-color:transparent! important;
background-image:none; color:transparent !important ; font-size:10pt! important;
height:10pt! important; color:#FFFFFF;}
#marketing_bg { display:none; }
#search { display:none; }
#search form { display:none; }
#mainnav {display: none; }
#subnav { display:none; }
#navdivider { display:none; }
.banner_ad_fix { display:none; }[/spoiler]
if you want to have borders in your banner use this...follow the instructions:
replace this part in the banner css code:
<">with this one to have a border:
<">upload the css file on a hosting site(like ripway)...
edit the [color=red]red[/color] part with the height and width of your banner
view my profile for preview.

just a little tip

if you want your banner look large,try resizing it on this site...[url][/url]...this site is an online image editor good for editing your banners etc...

*[b]mods please edit my code if there are things that are needed to be edited thank you[/b]

please move this to Cascading Style Sheets section
Last edited by frostmourne_05 (2008-11-24 00:35:14)