Re: So let's count some nationalities here and we'll find out what nationalities of members here on FTalk are involved! ^_^
[quote]:idea: [color=red][b][i]...and don't forget to answer the poll before le
...just wanna share...
...friendster isnt even known in my place...i mean...maybe..some knew about it..but..still..its not that popular compared to philippines..wherein friendster is like common when you have internet access...
...myspace is popular here...and in my friends place..its facebox... i guess...eventhough its an international forum or something like cant expect other nationalities to visit this website(great website btw)...because there are other websites thats more popular than this one in their place wherever that is...
...go friendster!! your best so that it will become the most popular website [b]wordwide[/b]...