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  2008-06-14 07:38:31

mystic rain
» FTalkWhiz
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[quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

[quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about love wer 2 persons loved one another till death.... ;) well hope u guys will leave a comment or a reaction 2 d story.. have fun in reading![/quote] [img][/img] n a peaceful village der was a boy lived name, [b]Ephron[/b] - a cute,handsome and a responsible son in their family... he had a sister, Ella which is older dan him and a younger brother, Eric... [quote][align=center][b]Episode ONE[/b][/align][/quote] Eric: guys wake up! Ella: Eric its 3 am yet.. r u kind of excited?!? Eric: yah! s dat obvious?!? Ephron: go back 2 sleep Eric.. Eric: ok... ;) [u][b]alarm clock rings: at d tym 4:30 am..[/b][/u] Eric: woohoo! Ephron: [ laughing ] u shud b d first one to go in d bathroom Eric Eric: yah i shud... [ smiling ] Ephron: i need to visit Ella's room to check if she's awake already.. ok?!? Eric: ok! [b][u]Ella's bedroom...[/u][/b] Ephron: Ella! Ella: yah i'm awake already i'm done bathing ... Ephron: are u done cooking our breakfast?!? Ella: yes of course., :lol: and i'm already done eating my breakfast.. Ephron: huh?!? done?!? Ella: yup2! Ephron: why did u ate ur breakfast in ds tym Ella: coz i need to make my speech for our first assembly in our school did you forget dat i am now d president of d skul n ds skul yr?!/ Ephron: yah i knw 8 =) [u][b]n d skul...[/b][/u] Brandon: hey Ephron.. did u heard d story?!? Ephron: of wat?!/ Brandon: abt our new classmate! Ephron: i didn't knw it yet.,. so wats up wid dat person...!? Brandon: well our new classmate s d only daughter of d owner of our skul! Ella: owh! nice 2 hear dat brandon! Brandon: ahm gud morning Ella! Ella: gud morning also.., so ur classmate is a girl.. :) Ephron: why are u laughing ella?!? Ella: i hope dat grl wil b d one make ephron happy! :lol: Ephron: hmp! dont make dat wish.. i'm sure it will not be granted :evil: Brandon: ahahhaha! i just heard dat grl is a sweet and an intelligent student from d another university Ephron: so?!? Brandon: so i'm sure dat she will be popular in our skul wid her abilities ryt ella?!? Ella: yah ryt! [ watching her watch ] :O owh its 6: 30 already i shud be in d upstairs already guy c yah! Brandon: bye! ahhihi so how's eric?!? Ephron: eric is so excited to b in d skul.. Brandon: ahhaha! coz he is in d 1st yr of hs ryt?!? ahihi Ephron: yah ryt.. Brandon: i'm sure many grls will fall in loved wid him.. :lol: [b][u]bell rings.. for d hs students [/u][/b] Ephron: i guess we need to line up now.. Brandon: yah.. =) [b]:/ after d flag ceremony.. Ella oriented all d students about d rules and regulations in d university for d new students in der university.. they presented small presentations and sharing past experiences of d students b4.. they introduced also d clubs dat they had...[/b] [b][u]n d classroom of Ephron..[/u][/b] Brandon: wew! wat a long tym dat we've got in our orientation... but we still have our last period for our morning subjects ahihi =| Ephron: yah ahihi :D teacher: class we have only few minutes left bec. of d orientation dat we had... i will just introduce to u all ur new classmate in ds room and then u can have a time to make u do wat u wanted... but dont' be 2 noisy :angry: ok!? students: yes teacher! teacher: i think u've heard some rumors already dat d daughter of our dear principal or d owner of d university will be enrolled in here.. did u hear dat class?!? students: :| teacher: please come in my dear.. [ a girl came in d classroom ] ds s Hillary Hyacinth Simpson... Hillary: nice to meet all of u classmates :) i'm happy 2 be here and glad 2 b n ds section... hope all of u will be my gud friends... teacher: u shud not b hoping hillary coz ur such a sweet and beautiful child.. hillary: =| i guess so.. [quote]episode one s not yet full done! ds s d half part still of d episode one of the story... :)[/quote]

Last edited by mystic rain (2008-09-12 10:01:25)

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