• » [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

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[quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

mystic rain
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

[quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

[quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about love wer 2 persons loved one another till death.... ;) well hope u guys will leave a comment or a reaction 2 d story.. have fun in reading![/quote] [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk185/princessteenage/76915564r76915565_V5lJIjEKaxovtRRtF.jpg[/img] n a peaceful village der was a boy lived name, [b]Ephron[/b] - a cute,handsome and a responsible son in their family... he had a sister, Ella which is older dan him and a younger brother, Eric... [quote][align=center][b]Episode ONE[/b][/align][/quote] Eric: guys wake up! Ella: Eric its 3 am yet.. r u kind of excited?!? Eric: yah! s dat obvious?!? Ephron: go back 2 sleep Eric.. Eric: ok... ;) [u][b]alarm clock rings: at d tym 4:30 am..[/b][/u] Eric: woohoo! Ephron: [ laughing ] u shud b d first one to go in d bathroom Eric Eric: yah i shud... [ smiling ] Ephron: i need to visit Ella's room to check if she's awake already.. ok?!? Eric: ok! [b][u]Ella's bedroom...[/u][/b] Ephron: Ella! Ella: yah i'm awake already i'm done bathing ... Ephron: are u done cooking our breakfast?!? Ella: yes of course., :lol: and i'm already done eating my breakfast.. Ephron: huh?!? done?!? Ella: yup2! Ephron: why did u ate ur breakfast in ds tym Ella: coz i need to make my speech for our first assembly in our school did you forget dat i am now d president of d skul n ds skul yr?!/ Ephron: yah i knw 8 =) [u][b]n d skul...[/b][/u] Brandon: hey Ephron.. did u heard d story?!? Ephron: of wat?!/ Brandon: abt our new classmate! Ephron: i didn't knw it yet.,. so wats up wid dat person...!? Brandon: well our new classmate s d only daughter of d owner of our skul! Ella: owh! nice 2 hear dat brandon! Brandon: ahm gud morning Ella! Ella: gud morning also.., so ur classmate is a girl.. :) Ephron: why are u laughing ella?!? Ella: i hope dat grl wil b d one make ephron happy! :lol: Ephron: hmp! dont make dat wish.. i'm sure it will not be granted :evil: Brandon: ahahhaha! i just heard dat grl is a sweet and an intelligent student from d another university Ephron: so?!? Brandon: so i'm sure dat she will be popular in our skul wid her abilities ryt ella?!? Ella: yah ryt! [ watching her watch ] :O owh its 6: 30 already i shud be in d upstairs already guy c yah! Brandon: bye! ahhihi so how's eric?!? Ephron: eric is so excited to b in d skul.. Brandon: ahhaha! coz he is in d 1st yr of hs ryt?!? ahihi Ephron: yah ryt.. Brandon: i'm sure many grls will fall in loved wid him.. :lol: [b][u]bell rings.. for d hs students [/u][/b] Ephron: i guess we need to line up now.. Brandon: yah.. =) [b]:/ after d flag ceremony.. Ella oriented all d students about d rules and regulations in d university for d new students in der university.. they presented small presentations and sharing past experiences of d students b4.. they introduced also d clubs dat they had...[/b] [b][u]n d classroom of Ephron..[/u][/b] Brandon: wew! wat a long tym dat we've got in our orientation... but we still have our last period for our morning subjects ahihi =| Ephron: yah ahihi :D teacher: class we have only few minutes left bec. of d orientation dat we had... i will just introduce to u all ur new classmate in ds room and then u can have a time to make u do wat u wanted... but dont' be 2 noisy :angry: ok!? students: yes teacher! teacher: i think u've heard some rumors already dat d daughter of our dear principal or d owner of d university will be enrolled in here.. did u hear dat class?!? students: :| teacher: please come in my dear.. [ a girl came in d classroom ] ds s Hillary Hyacinth Simpson... Hillary: nice to meet all of u classmates :) i'm happy 2 be here and glad 2 b n ds section... hope all of u will be my gud friends... teacher: u shud not b hoping hillary coz ur such a sweet and beautiful child.. hillary: =| i guess so.. [quote]episode one s not yet full done! ds s d half part still of d episode one of the story... :)[/quote]

Last edited by mystic rain (2008-09-12 10:01:25)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

weew!, frst 2 cmmnt!,:) jiji:D, it hink?., it would be nyc ep u should continue the story!, jiji=), ~i'll w8 4 d nxt chappie!, :lol:
mystic rain
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

[quote=Cutie_Phunk]weew!, frst 2 cmmnt!, jiji:D, it hink?., it would be nyc ep u should continue the story!, jiji=), ~i'll w8 4 d nxt chappie[/quote] thanks for d comment.. i'm stl working on it.. ahihihi.. =)
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

ur wlcme!, ukie!, i'll w8 4 da nxt chappie!,=). kip it up!:),
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

nice story u have.. hehe.. r u the one who made this story?!., by the way!. kip it up!. gud luck in this story and hope that there are more comments n ur story!
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

woooah! i loove the story :) ill look out for this one ;) good job! mwaaa. =):thumbsup: :lol:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

ohh!, update nah pouh! stil waiting 4 da nxt chappie!, jiji:D..,
mystic rain
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

[quote=akuzet16]nice story u have.. hehe.. r u the one who made this story?!., by the way!. kip it up!. gud luck in this story and hope that there are more comments n ur story![/quote] thx for d comment! yes i'm d one hu made ds story.. =) [qoute][b]continuation of d episode one!..[/b][/qoute] all the fourth yr students [ section A ] met their new classmate which is.. Hillary Hyacinth. teacher: Hillary you may sit down beside wid Brandon.. Brandon: =) Hillary: ok :) [b]having discussions... after the class is over.. ;)[/b] Eric: Ephron! guess what i met a beautiful girl in my room! Ephron: oh ok.. ;] Brandon: guys look... [ pointing hillary in d hidden garden of their school ] Eric: who is that?!? Ephron: she's the only daughter of our school she is... Brandon: Hillary! my new seatmate! :lol: Ephron: =) n d hidden garden.. Hillary: =| huh.. i'm happy to be in this place.. who is dat boy [ talking to herself and watching Ephron at d opposite side ] Ephron: Brandon is she watching on us?!? Brandon: i think she's watching on me ahihi., do i look handsome?!? Eric: i dont think so.. Ephron. may i have the key? i will go home now.. Ephron: here.. [ giving the key to Eric ] lock all the doors if you already inside the house ok?!? Eric: bye guys! Ephron and Brandon: bye! [b]Hillary went near to the two boys [ brandon and ephron ][/b] Hillary: are you my classmates ryt?!? Ephron: yes we are Brandon: by the way i'm brandon and he's Ephron. [i]hillary's mind..[/i] - oh he's Ephron.. he's quite handsome looked like intelligent.. =| Ephron: what are u thinking/!? Hillary: me??! nothing... =) Brandon: so why are you staying n d hidden place.. like in the special garden of the university eh?!? Hillary: well.. i'm scared to be seen in here of my mom.. Ephron: and why?!? ;] Hillary: ahm nothing ahihihi.. oh! i gotta go.. i need to buy my requirements.. Brandon: oh we wanted to go with you ryt Ephron?!? Ephron: huh?!?? but.. Brandon: ahm dont mind Ephron. we are planning also to buy some of our requirements :eh: [b][u]n d mall..[/u][/b] Hillary: i'm used to go n the mall being alone.. Ephron: why are you used to it huh?!? Hillary: ahm nothing ahi [ hiding something to the two boys ] Brandon: i guess we bought already all the requirements that we needed.. :lol: Ephron: =) Hillary: yah ahihi [b][u]n going home...[/u][/b] Hillary: here's my house.. nice to be with the two of you guys..:) i'm having fun! bye.. Brandon: wow! what a huge house you have! Hillary: ahihi..:D Ephron: i guess we need to go now Hillary =) its getting late already bye.. Hillary: bye :) Hillary had a demanding mother thats why she's afraid to speak out of what is her feelings to her parents, she's afraid to cry in front of her mom and to have a mistakes also.. she is a girl who had a big discipline and a good student from the another university she had a boyfriend before but now she dont have any.. :( because of the attitude of her mother.. though she's rich and elegant to look at.. but deep inside of her is like a baby who need help to other to cry on... months have passed by Ephron and Hillary become a seatmates already they share thoughts and experiences in their life.. Ephron shared about his family that both of his parents worked in abroad so that they can live a nice house and to have good education... [b][u]during class.. Ephron and Hillary is chatting through writing on a piece of paper..[/u][/b] [b][i] in the paper...[/i][/b] [quote]Hillary: wat a nice family u have Ephron.. Ephron: yah they are so nice =D Hillary: i hope that my mom will be like that also Ephron: don't be lyk dat.. we always missed of our mother every time we're having breakfast cause she's the one preparing our lunchbox and our things during school days but not only our eldest sister is the one preparing on it..:( Hillary: awh ok.. lets listen now our teacher ahihihi Ephron: ahih yup2![/quote] teacher: Hillary answer this equation and explain.. Hillary: [ answering ] teacher: now explain your answer why you come up in that answer.. Hillary: ok. [ explaining ] [b][u]d class is over..[/u][/b] teacher: well its time already class.. thanks for explaining your answer Hillary. you answer is correct., good bye class! Hillary: thanks ms. students: goodbye and thank you ms! Brandon: you're so great Hillary! Hillary: :D thanks for the appreciation... Ephron: Brandon do you know that guy?!? [ pointing to a certain guy trying to get inside of the school ] Brandon: nope! i don't know him.. how about you Hill?!? :penguin: [b]hillary just run away and got out in the school... the two boys are shocked cause they saw that Hillary and the guy talked to each other...[/b] [quote]end of episode one! - SCHOOL DAYS - what do you think is the realtion between Hillary and the guy near the gate?!? just wait for the next episode guyz! hope u can read ds continuation of my story god bless u all! :D[/quote]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

well i guess it's her ex....i dunno.or maybe brother...nah.btw,it's really nice....... =)
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

^yea maybe:) i agreee. its nice. lol cant wait for the next chappie :lol:
mystic rain
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

[quote]wat a nice guess u had! ahihi.. to know d exact answer i will continue my story..[/quote] [quote][align=center]Episode Two[/align][/quote] [i]Henry James Wilson - step brother of Hillary and he is also the ex bf! of Hillary..[/i] i guess you are surprised! to understand more in my story.. the current mom today of Hillary is her step mom. her mom died when she's still 3 yrs old. her dad went in abroad and found another woman to be with.. Henry is the son of her step mom.. they got broke up because of this reason.. [b][u]outside of d gate...[/u][/b] Henry: Hill.. are you ok? Hillary: why are you still here. i though you went abroad to have a high college degree Henry: yes you're correct thats why i need to bid a goodbye to you now cause i need to go to airport already Hillary: does mom know this? Henry: she didn't know what i did for the past few years Hill you should be used to it.. Hillary: yah i just remember it.. bye henry.. i still love you.. Henry: [ hugging Hillary so tightly and said.. ] i still love you too.. i'll give you freedom to find another good guy to love and to care for you.. hope you will do that.. Hillary: :crybaby: henry.. Henry: bye! [b][u]inside the campus...[/u][/b] Brandon: wow! they are hugging! Ephron: i think its her ex boyfriend Brandon: i think so... [b]Ella heard what they are talking and saw Hillary too in the outside of the campus...[/b] Ella: i think they still loved each other... Brandon: Ella! you're here.. ahih :lol: we are just wondering what is their relation between the two of them Ella: why are you kind of worried? are you jealous?!? :P Brandon: nope! i'm worried for my best friend in here ahihi Ephron: :rolleyes: ahm what?!? why are you looking the both of you to me huh?!? Ella: nothing bro.. just guessing if you like her.. Brandon: ahihihi do you like her Ephron?!? Ephron: what kind of conversation is this!! i'm out of here.. lets go home now.. Ella: ahahah! ok2! =D [b]henry went gone already and only hillary left near the gate... while ella, brandon and ephron went near to her...[/b] Ephron: i guess we need to go now Hillary see you tomorrow Hillary: ahm wait! [ holding Ephron's hand ] Ephron: what? Hillary: the boy that i talked few minutes ago is my ex boyfriend Ephron's mind i see its her boyfriend why am i feeling jealous??! hmp! never mind! Hillary: Ephron?!? whats wrong?!? Ephron: ahm nothing.. Hillary: oh ok.. Ella: :lol: i think he's thinking something thats why.. Brandon: yah ahihi.. Hillary: can i go home with you guys? Ella: yes of course.. :D u may go with us.. i just remember that you lived near our village! Hillary: yes thats true.. Ella: what if everyday u will go with us or to the two boys at our back in going home? would u mind to do it?!? Hillary: sure! :D Ephron: what?!? everyday?!? Brandon: whats wrong with that Ephron?!? you're over reacting! Ephron: nothing just shocked Ephron's mind what a damn sister! i think she can feel it already that i have a crush on to this girl.. hmmm i guess i need to go with flow on this.. so that we can't be suspicious.. [b]while going home...[/b] Ella: did you know Hill that my bro is courting a girl last year and got dumped! Hillary: what?! got dumped?!? Ella: yes ahihi he bought flowers and chocolates to that girl but he got dumped Brandon: ahahaha! Ephron: oh you're topic is so bad.. Hillary: its just ok Ephron you don't know the next girl that you will court will like you also right ella? Ella: yes ahahahha! Brandon: so lets open another topic.. Hillary: what? Brandon: where is you're ex boyfriend going we just saw him bringing baggage Hillary: he's going to abroad to be enrolled there for college degree Brandon: awh i see how did you know his plans Hillary: unfortunately we broke up because he is my step brother Ephron's mind what?!? step bro/ huh! is she thinking what she's saying?!? Ella: whats wrong with you Ephron? Ephron: nothing.. so its your step bro and ex bf.. ok. Hillary: yes..:D [b]they are near already to Hillary's house..[/b] Hillary: guys i need to went in already bye thanks for the topic that we shared especially about Ephron [ winking at Ephron ] Ephron: its a bad topic! just forget what ella told you Hillary: dont worry i will kep on rememberin on it.. Brandon and Ella: [ laughing ] Ephron: ok ok... [quote]ds s d half part of the episode two stl working on it ahihi :D[/quote]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

nice story very creative way to go keep up the gud work have u taught of writing... hihihi :D

Last edited by cute_gurl08 (2008-06-15 04:02:51)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

whooa!.. hehe. lol., i can't w8 for the 2nd chapter of ur story!., it's so great!., haha.,
mystic rain
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

[quote]hi! ds s d continuation of my episode two![/quote] [b][u]on the house of Hillary...[/u][/b] Hillary: i'm home now! maid: well thank God mom you should go to your moms room Hillary: what?!/ :paranoid: [ kind of worried ] maid: i think ma'am is angry again cause you went home late. by the way why you went home late? Hillary: sorry... i just went with my friends in going home is that a sin already? maid: well for me its ok but for your mom it is.. :( Hillary::paranoid: ok i will... Mrs. Simpson: why are you late at home?!? huh?!? :angry: Hillary: i just went with my friends mom.. Mrs. Simpson: your friends again!!! you gave more importance to your friends!! thats why i transferred you in our own school!!! and thats what you did?!? Hillary: sorry mom but i cant live without friends.. Mrs. Simpson: what is more important to you friends? or studying? Hillary: studyin..:crybaby: Mrs. Simpson: go to your room. fix yourself and make your assignments now!! and sleep early! Hillary: yes mom.. :cry: [b][u]in hillary's room...[/u][/b] [i]hillary's phone ringing... hillary answered it..[/i] [quote]Hillary: hello?!? Henry: Hill? Hillary: Hen.. ry?!? Henry: why?!? are you shock? Hillary: nope.. i'm just scared if mom will get inside directly in my room and what if... Henry: what if mom will caught you talking with me? Hillary: yes...:( Henry: dont worry.. i just want to hear your voice.. i already miss your voice.. Hillary: [ giggling ] :lol: ahahhaa! sure?!? Henry: yes! so how are you today? Hillary: i'm just ok.. i went home with my friends now but mom is angry cause its already late.. :cry: Henry: dont be sad just be happy, but make sure that you should went home earlier than today. ok? Hillary: ok :) Henry: oh i think to go now... bye.. Hillary: bye..[/quote] Hillary is fond writing a diary where she can express her feelings and her experiences everyday... its the only way that she can release her anger to her mom and to what she feels towards her mom.. in her diary, she named it as hera... [quote]Dear Hera, hi there again my day is ok in school i have close friends already even though its two months passed by already and i really felt at home with Ephron, Brandon and to the sister and younger brother of Ephron.. now i just find confusing because i'm feeling today happy but sad.. ugh! i feel confuse!!! ever! well my ex boyfriend bid goodbye in our school and i really missed him i want to hug and kiss him but i cant because it might cause a big fight again to mom and to Henry like what happened in the past.. ahm i went home with my close friends.. well i'm happy to be with them chatting especially Ella.. ahihihi.. she shared about Ephron. do you know hera.. i can feel more than friends towards one of my closes friends today.. ahihihi.. oooops! ahihi i'm just happy thinking about that but the sad part is when i went home my mom scolded me again i feel depressed everyday i went home she always did that. she had no time to rest in scolding me ugh! so bad! i really hate her! she's overprotective! i just wanted to feel like the most teenagers do. that they have many friends in going home and going out with friends.. she just dont know how my effort in studying hmp! well i need to bid goodbye now hera.. i need to study.. bye...[/quote] [quote]:D dats d end of the episode two - " unexpected feeling " i hope that you can guess already who is the one that Hillary is trying to refer in her diary about her [b]CRUSH[/b] :lol:[/quote]

Last edited by mystic rain (2008-06-18 07:48:01)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

[b]weee,i lyk dis storii! xD[/b]
mystic rain
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

[b]during pe class...[/b] teacher: class next week is your 2nd grading for the honor role.. well usually our dance numbers for the program is by a group of boys or girls but today we will make it a twist for today... i would like that it will be by partner.. no auditions for this... but i will be the one who will choose their partners... ok.. [ watching the list of students ] Brandon: ahm what a heck?!? Ephron: haiz just follow the rules brandon :) boy: yup2! =D teacher: ok ahmm... Ephron and Hillary! Brandon and Michelle blah blah.,.,. ahiahihi [ some other students pa yan na sinabi sa teacher ] Ephron's mind: why all of the girls.. my partner is Hillary! hmp! Ephron: ahm ms can i exchange parters ?!? teacher: and who is it?!? Ephron: ahmm..... michelle? michelle: wow! miracle my prince charming wants me now! =D an evil like laughter.. brandon: nah.. he dont want you he just felt uncomfortable towards to hillary :P michelle: hmp! ew... hillary?!? she's just a beautiful daughter of the principal! and dats all! hmp! there's nothing special to it... during practice.. hillary: ahm sorry i stepped on your foot.. Ephron: ahm its ok.. just ignore it just continue dancing... hillary: ahm ok...
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

what a nice story!., i love ur story sis!. kip it up!. heheh... i'ts already updated! and i'm still w8 for the next chappie!.. haha... but why brandon feel uncomfortable to hillary?!., hmmm...?.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

Nycee... I'm going to keep reading! Luv it.. :D
mystic rain
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

[quote]what a nice story!., i love ur story sis!. kip it up!. heheh... i'ts already updated! and i'm still w8 for the next chappie!.. haha... but why brandon feel uncomfortable to hillary?!., hmmm...?.[/quote] brandon?!? i think ephron is uncomfortable to hillary... =) [b]continuation...[/b] [b][i]they had their practices for the program until they have their last rehearsal already on dat tym they had also their costumes already so dat they will be used to in dancing for the next day...[/i][/b] michelle: hey ephron! look at me! how beautiful am i? ephron: your one of a kind :P brandon: huh?!? i think ur such a damn trash in here michelle! =D michelle: hmp! you just ruin my day! your such a bad DOG! ephron: dog?!? ahahhaha! michelle: too good for ephron.. cause he's telling the truth.. hmp! [b]other dancers are already murmuring about hillary's costume...[/b] michelle: now the true trash from the garbage has come! :lol: brandon: stop that michelle! she's more beautiful than you.. and i guess ephron is just telling a lie to you :P michelle: hmp! [b]ephron is amaze of what he saw to hillary...[/b] hillary: ahm excuse me? ephron? ephron: :/ hillary: ephron? ephron: ahm... wha-- what?!? hillary: what happen to you? ;) ephron: oh. no- nothing... [quote]ephron's mind: hmp! she's too beautiful! i hate this! i cant help staring her! hmp! :angry:[/quote] *whispering* brandon: see.. your partner is very beautiful! more than tomorrow ephron.. when she put more make up on her face.. ayeeeeeeeee......... ephron: :wallbash: hmp! dont whisper about that! brandon: i know what you are thinking.. we will just keep it as a secret for now.. ephron: for now?!? what did you mean? brandon: what if hillary felt that you like her? what if? ahihi.. just taking an advantage ephron: oh i guess.. i should expect the unexpected? brandon: yes, you should.. [b]its their 2nd grading honor celebrations already.. a day where ephron and hillary will dance already..[/b] teacher: guys.. more advice! just keep on smiling to your partner and to the viewers.. ok? class: ok! ephron: are you nervous? hillary: yes of course.. ephron: why? hillary: its the first time presenting a number that my mom will view it ephron: oh i see... you should do your best.. =| hillary: =| [b][u]hillary and ephron kept on staring to each other unconsciously they held hands...[/u][/b] brandon: ayeeeeeeeee.. the couple for today! ephron: huh? brandon: look what you are holding ephron! ahahhahaha! [b]ephron saw it and also hillary... they are shock and feel uncomfortable already when they held hands..on their dance number they present it very well all the viewers liked it.. except for the mom of hillary, because she's thinking that her daughter is having a new relationship again and she is suspecting that its ephron is the one who is the bf of hillary...[/b] [b]on their way home...[/b] brandon: ahahhahaha! i really like it.. when the two of you are already dancing! ephron: what's being great on that? brandon: ahahhaha! i think... ahahha! nothing ella: oh cut it off brandon... so lets open a new topic! brandon: what topic? ella: the one that you told me before after the program? * winking at brandon * brandon: ah i see on the backstage! ephron: :disgust: there it goes again.. brandon: do you know that ephron and hillary held their hands before they are presenting a number? ella: oh what an exciting moment it is! * giggling * ephron: stop it! ella: ahahhahaha! and then? brandon: while holding their hands they kept on staring.. i think their giving eye signals? ella: ahahahha! sweet! :wow: ephron: pft! ella: * giggling * [b]while...[/b] Mrs. Simpson: what is the name of your partner during the dance number? hillary: why mom? Mrs. Simpson: just asking.. hillary: he's ephron mom! :) Mrs. Simpson: why are you smiling? is he your new boyfriend huh?!? hillary: ahmm.,. no.. mom! Mrs. Simpson: you cant answer it directly? hillary: i can mom.. Mrs. Simpson: but why are you looked scared? huh?!? hillary: just nothing mom... [quote]:wallbash: haiz cut out nah.. dun muna guys.. i'm stl working on the continuation ahihihi :D[/quote]
» FTalkAddict
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Re: [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

hehehe! =) :thumbsup: the image reminded me of the movie "shutter", the last part of the movie? :eh: but i like this story more! ^^ do continue!!:D
  • » [quote][b]INTRODUCTION[/b] hey i'm mystic rain.. i just like to share another new story dat i've imagined again hope u will be interested to have time to read my unique story... ds story s all about

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