[quote=akuzet16]nice story u have..
r u the one who made this story?!.,
by the way!.
kip it up!.
gud luck in this story and hope that there are more comments n ur story![/quote]
thx for d comment! yes i'm d one hu made ds story..

[qoute][b]continuation of d episode one!..[/b][/qoute]
all the fourth yr students [ section A ] met their new classmate which is.. Hillary Hyacinth.
teacher: Hillary you may sit down beside wid Brandon..

Hillary: ok

[b]having discussions... after the class is over..
Eric: Ephron! guess what i met a beautiful girl in my room!
Ephron: oh ok..
Brandon: guys look... [ pointing hillary in d hidden garden of their school ]
Eric: who is that?!?
Ephron: she's the only daughter of our school she is...
Brandon: Hillary! my new seatmate!


n d hidden garden..

huh.. i'm happy to be in this place.. who is dat boy [ talking to herself and watching Ephron at d opposite side ]
Ephron: Brandon is she watching on us?!?
Brandon: i think she's watching on me ahihi., do i look handsome?!?
Eric: i dont think so.. Ephron. may i have the key? i will go home now..
Ephron: here.. [ giving the key to Eric ] lock all the doors if you already inside the house ok?!?
Eric: bye guys!
Ephron and Brandon: bye!
[b]Hillary went near to the two boys [ brandon and ephron ][/b]
Hillary: are you my classmates ryt?!?
Ephron: yes we are
Brandon: by the way i'm brandon and he's Ephron.
[i]hillary's mind..[/i]
- oh he's Ephron.. he's quite handsome looked like intelligent..

Ephron: what are u thinking/!?
Hillary: me??! nothing...

Brandon: so why are you staying n d hidden place.. like in the special garden of the university eh?!?
Hillary: well.. i'm scared to be seen in here of my mom..
Ephron: and why?!?
Hillary: ahm nothing ahihihi.. oh! i gotta go.. i need to buy my requirements..
Brandon: oh we wanted to go with you ryt Ephron?!?
Ephron: huh?!?? but..
Brandon: ahm dont mind Ephron. we are planning also to buy some of our requirements

[b][u]n d mall..[/u][/b]
Hillary: i'm used to go n the mall being alone..
Ephron: why are you used to it huh?!?
Hillary: ahm nothing ahi [ hiding something to the two boys ]
Brandon: i guess we bought already all the requirements that we needed..


Hillary: yah ahihi
[b][u]n going home...[/u][/b]
Hillary: here's my house.. nice to be with the two of you guys..

i'm having fun! bye..
Brandon: wow! what a huge house you have!
Hillary: ahihi..

Ephron: i guess we need to go now Hillary

its getting late already bye..
Hillary: bye

Hillary had a demanding mother thats why she's afraid to speak out of what is her feelings to her parents, she's afraid to cry in front of her mom and to have a mistakes also.. she is a girl who had a big discipline and a good student from the another university she had a boyfriend before but now she dont have any..

because of the attitude of her mother.. though she's rich and elegant to look at.. but deep inside of her is like a baby who need help to other to cry on...
months have passed by Ephron and Hillary become a seatmates already they share thoughts and experiences in their life.. Ephron shared about his family that both of his parents worked in abroad so that they can live a nice house and to have good education...
[b][u]during class.. Ephron and Hillary is chatting through writing on a piece of paper..[/u][/b]
[b][i] in the paper...[/i][/b]
[quote]Hillary: wat a nice family u have Ephron..
Ephron: yah they are so nice

Hillary: i hope that my mom will be like that also
Ephron: don't be lyk dat.. we always missed of our mother every time we're having breakfast
cause she's the one preparing our lunchbox and our things during school days but not only our eldest sister is the one preparing on it..

Hillary: awh ok.. lets listen now our teacher ahihihi
Ephron: ahih yup2![/quote]
teacher: Hillary answer this equation and explain..
Hillary: [ answering ]
teacher: now explain your answer why you come up in that answer..
Hillary: ok. [ explaining ]
[b][u]d class is over..[/u][/b]
teacher: well its time already class.. thanks for explaining your answer Hillary. you answer is correct., good bye class!
Hillary: thanks ms.
students: goodbye and thank you ms!
Brandon: you're so great Hillary!

thanks for the appreciation...
Ephron: Brandon do you know that guy?!? [ pointing to a certain guy trying to get inside of the school ]
Brandon: nope! i don't know him.. how about you Hill?!?

[b]hillary just run away and got out in the school... the two boys are shocked cause they saw that Hillary and the guy talked to each other...[/b]
[quote]end of episode one! - SCHOOL DAYS -
what do you think is the realtion between Hillary and the guy near the gate?!? just wait for the next episode guyz! hope u can read ds continuation of my story god bless u all!
