[quote]wat a nice guess u had! ahihi.. to know d exact answer i will continue my story..[/quote]
[quote][align=center]Episode Two[/align][/quote]
[i]Henry James Wilson - step brother of Hillary and he is also the ex bf! of Hillary..[/i]
i guess you are surprised! to understand more in my story.. the current mom today of Hillary is her step mom. her mom died when she's still 3 yrs old. her dad went in abroad and found another woman to be with.. Henry is the son of her step mom.. they got broke up because of this reason..
[b][u]outside of d gate...[/u][/b]
Henry: Hill.. are you ok?
Hillary: why are you still here. i though you went abroad to have a high college degree
Henry: yes you're correct thats why i need to bid a goodbye to you now cause i need to go to airport already
Hillary: does mom know this?
Henry: she didn't know what i did for the past few years Hill you should be used to it..
Hillary: yah i just remember it.. bye henry.. i still love you..
Henry: [ hugging Hillary so tightly and said.. ] i still love you too.. i'll give you freedom to find another good guy to love and to care for you.. hope you will do that..

Henry: bye!
[b][u]inside the campus...[/u][/b]
Brandon: wow! they are hugging!
Ephron: i think its her ex boyfriend
Brandon: i think so...
[b]Ella heard what they are talking and saw Hillary too in the outside of the campus...[/b]
Ella: i think they still loved each other...
Brandon: Ella! you're here.. ahih

we are just wondering what is their relation between the two of them
Ella: why are you kind of worried? are you jealous?!?

Brandon: nope! i'm worried for my best friend in here ahihi

ahm what?!? why are you looking the both of you to me huh?!?
Ella: nothing bro.. just guessing if you like her..
Brandon: ahihihi do you like her Ephron?!?
Ephron: what kind of conversation is this!! i'm out of here.. lets go home now..
Ella: ahahah! ok2!

[b]henry went gone already and only hillary left near the gate... while ella, brandon and ephron went near to her...[/b]
Ephron: i guess we need to go now Hillary see you tomorrow
Hillary: ahm wait! [ holding Ephron's hand ]
Ephron: what?
Hillary: the boy that i talked few minutes ago is my ex boyfriend
Ephron's mind
i see its her boyfriend why am i feeling jealous??! hmp! never mind!
Hillary: Ephron?!? whats wrong?!?
Ephron: ahm nothing..
Hillary: oh ok..

i think he's thinking something thats why..
Brandon: yah ahihi..
Hillary: can i go home with you guys?
Ella: yes of course..

u may go with us.. i just remember that you lived near our village!
Hillary: yes thats true..
Ella: what if everyday u will go with us or to the two boys at our back in going home? would u mind to do it?!?
Hillary: sure!

Ephron: what?!? everyday?!?
Brandon: whats wrong with that Ephron?!? you're over reacting!
Ephron: nothing just shocked
Ephron's mind
what a damn sister! i think she can feel it already that i have a crush on to this girl..
hmmm i guess i need to go with flow on this.. so that we can't be suspicious..
[b]while going home...[/b]
Ella: did you know Hill that my bro is courting a girl last year and got dumped!
Hillary: what?! got dumped?!?
Ella: yes ahihi he bought flowers and chocolates to that girl but he got dumped
Brandon: ahahaha!
Ephron: oh you're topic is so bad..
Hillary: its just ok Ephron you don't know the next girl that you will court will like you also right ella?
Ella: yes ahahahha!
Brandon: so lets open another topic..
Hillary: what?
Brandon: where is you're ex boyfriend going we just saw him bringing baggage
Hillary: he's going to abroad to be enrolled there for college degree
Brandon: awh i see how did you know his plans
Hillary: unfortunately we broke up because he is my step brother
Ephron's mind
what?!? step bro/ huh! is she thinking what she's saying?!?
Ella: whats wrong with you Ephron?
Ephron: nothing.. so its your step bro and ex bf.. ok.
Hillary: yes..

[b]they are near already to Hillary's house..[/b]
Hillary: guys i need to went in already bye thanks for the topic that we shared especially about Ephron
[ winking at Ephron ]
Ephron: its a bad topic! just forget what ella told you
Hillary: dont worry i will kep on rememberin on it..
Brandon and Ella: [ laughing ]
Ephron: ok ok...
[quote]ds s d half part of the episode two stl working on it
