[quote]hi! ds s d continuation of my episode two![/quote]
[b][u]on the house of Hillary...[/u][/b]
Hillary: i'm home now!
maid: well thank God mom you should go to your moms room
Hillary: what?!/

[ kind of worried ]
maid: i think ma'am is angry again cause you went home late. by the way why you went home late?
Hillary: sorry... i just went with my friends in going home is that a sin already?
maid: well for me its ok but for your mom it is..


ok i will...
Mrs. Simpson: why are you late at home?!? huh?!?

Hillary: i just went with my friends mom..
Mrs. Simpson: your friends again!!! you gave more importance to your friends!! thats why i transferred you in our own school!!! and thats what you did?!?
Hillary: sorry mom but i cant live without friends..
Mrs. Simpson: what is more important to you friends? or studying?
Hillary: studyin..

Mrs. Simpson: go to your room. fix yourself and make your assignments now!! and sleep early!
Hillary: yes mom..

[b][u]in hillary's room...[/u][/b]
[i]hillary's phone ringing... hillary answered it..[/i]
[quote]Hillary: hello?!?
Henry: Hill?
Hillary: Hen.. ry?!?
Henry: why?!? are you shock?
Hillary: nope.. i'm just scared if mom will get inside directly in my room and what if...
Henry: what if mom will caught you talking with me?
Hillary: yes...

Henry: dont worry.. i just want to hear your voice.. i already miss your voice..
Hillary: [ giggling ]

ahahhaa! sure?!?
Henry: yes! so how are you today?
Hillary: i'm just ok.. i went home with my friends now but mom is angry cause its already late..

Henry: dont be sad just be happy, but make sure that you should went home earlier than today. ok?
Hillary: ok

Henry: oh i think to go now... bye..
Hillary: bye..[/quote]
Hillary is fond writing a diary where she can express her feelings and her experiences everyday... its the only way that she can release her anger to her mom and to what she feels towards her mom.. in her diary, she named it as hera...
[quote]Dear Hera,
hi there again my day is ok in school i have close friends already even though its two months passed by already and i really felt at home with Ephron, Brandon and to the sister and younger brother of Ephron.. now i just find confusing because i'm feeling today happy but sad.. ugh! i feel confuse!!! ever! well my ex boyfriend bid goodbye in our school and i really missed him i want to hug and kiss him but i cant because it might cause a big fight again to mom and to Henry like what happened in the past.. ahm i went home with my close friends.. well i'm happy to be with them chatting especially Ella.. ahihihi.. she shared about Ephron. do you know hera.. i can feel more than friends towards one of my closes friends today.. ahihihi.. oooops! ahihi i'm just happy thinking about that but the sad part is when i went home my mom scolded me again i feel depressed everyday i went home she always did that. she had no time to rest in scolding me ugh! so bad! i really hate her! she's overprotective! i just wanted to feel like the most teenagers do. that they have many friends in going home and going out with friends.. she just dont know how my effort in studying hmp! well i need to bid goodbye now hera.. i need to study.. bye...[/quote]

dats d end of the episode two - " unexpected feeling "
i hope that you can guess already who is the one that Hillary is trying to refer in her diary about her [b]CRUSH[/b]

Last edited by mystic rain (2008-06-18 07:48:01)