Pages: 112345678..8

  2008-07-15 08:20:55

» FTalker
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Re: [b]First of all i know that naruto and bleach are the same in characters you know why? if naruto has 10 akatsuki then bleach has 10 espada who among of the two group of character is you think the stro

[quote=ammar1408]I think..of course Espada..Why?what i know so japan, Ninja cannot againts Samurai coz samurai skillful is very high.. =).. So..i think, akatsuki is ninja..and Espada has a,espda is samurai.. Espada has power can againts bankai ...for example like grimmjow jaggerjack.. =D their reiatsu will broke akatsuki power..hahahha[/quote] Ratio form... Akatsuki:Ninja then Espada:Katana?>.> It would be better if Samurai...XD I prefer Akatsuki than Espada... no one can beat them.... Ninjas have a wide range of Techniques... while Samurais don't.... XD

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