[quote=MsKawaii--]Hi ate anne!
how r ya?
miz ya all guys![/quote]
dun call me ate, am just 13

hi too alyssa!

am fine, tired, and had a crush XD lol nvm that
bout u?
next tym,dont go anywhere..
just stay online , siz[/quote]
I'll try siz... I'll try..

you guyz are prtty quite these days, probably..
[quote=ninafaye]Me Too Sisz,'EM Not Online For 4 Days!
It's Exams. And It's Raining Too. With Thunder![/quote]
a lot of things have happened while I was gone.

btw, it's rainy season there?

[quote=Linniie]and ello anne
lyk what we chat before eu go
talk to me when eu on nne[/quote]
What did I tell you? I completely forgot my dear siz

lol, am on~! am on~! what do u want to tell me?