2009-01-19 05:48:20

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMe Collections[/b] [i]Just pick what suites your taste. :D[/i][/align] [quote][b]Updated as of 01/18/09![/b] New and improved hosting service for WVM v3 Series! Visit the hosting s

[quote=idejuhe]There is still an error "403 forbidden" when i put my friendster ID and CSS link. I follow the instruction on new WVM Installation Guide, and successfully activated my account. I edit my profile and put friendster ID and CSS link, but after i hit update button, the page say : "You don't have permission to access /v2/index.php/Community on this server." There's something wrong? :paranoid: Thx...[/quote] My host rejects ripway for some reason, kindly use a different host for your tracker.css other than ripway.

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