2007-04-25 09:32:20

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

[font=Lucida Handwriting][color=#ff6699][b]hey! there are so many who pm me asking how i did my logo.. well here's the code [/b][/color][/font]:D [code]#navigation { background: transparent; border:

[quote=linettedannah24][quote=menvermandolin]wha!!!!!!! help! it doesnt work! <">that's what ive got together with the second code by ephe. ahm..where should it be placed?! after the code itself or before the "end of code" line?![/quote] It will worked on mine.You should check your codes if you have copied it correctly =| .Did you upload it?and pasted the code in your review?By the way I cheked the url of your image but when I pasted it on my browser the image wasn't found..I think you should choose another image.[/quote] oh, i see thanks!

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