2007-05-04 08:21:49

» FTalker
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Re: [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=#ff6699][b]hey! there are so many who pm me asking how i did my logo.. well here's the code [/b][/color][/font]:D [code]#navigation { background: transparent; border:

[quote=blackwhiskey_28]@ruzzel actually its very easy just read it very carefully and analyze the steps.... do not realay at the other members coz...they arent always there making codes... it may look complicated coz of the codes but if you try this to understand..youll be surprised that its very easy.....peace out :D btw..if you wanna have some...go find your image....they dont your your taste..and just request okie! :eh: === tried to make this one but the banner looked like this [url]http://img368.imageshack.us/img368/2094/untitledproblemdd4.jpg[/url] this is the original pic [url]http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/4985/untitledot2.jpg[/url] i combined the code of ate majho and kuya ephe yet this is the result..please help....need your early response! :D[/quote] okei!!ill try to do that..phew...lot of changes here when i was gone! :rolleyes:

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